55: Kursed...

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Back on Svartalfheim, in his ship Malekith plots his vengeance against the Asgardians.

Malekith: [subtitled] The Realms will be aligned soon.

Malekith takes out a knife and turns to Algrim.

Malekith: [subtitled] You'll be the last of the Kursed.

Malekith stabs Algrim in the stomach with his knife.

Algrim: [subtitled] Let my life be sacrificed. The same as our people.

Hop off your peoples meat!

Malekith: [subtitled] You will become darkness, doomed to this existence until it consumes you. [one of the dark elves places a molten rock in Malekith's hand and Malekith places it inside Algrim's stomach] And then no power of our enemies will stop me.

Algrim: [subtitled] I'll destroy their defenses and resurrect the universe.

Malekith looks to one of his dark elves as he carries a mask, Fandral and Volstagg return to Asgard with several prisoners, including the masked Algrim; Loki watches them from his cell as they come in.

Loki: Odin continues to bring me new friends. How thoughtful.

Frigga: The books I sent, do they not interest you?

Loki turns and we see Frigga is in Loki's cell.

Loki: Is that how I'm to while away eternity, reading?

Frigga: I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki.

Loki: Have you? Does Odin share your concern?
Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night.

Frigga: You know full well it was your actions that brought you here.

Loki: My actions. I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king.

Frigga: A king? A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?

Loki: A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself.

Frigga: Your father...

Loki: [shouts] He's not my father!

Frigga: Then am I not your mother?

Loki hesitates for a moment.

Loki: You're not.

Frigga smiles at him with tears in her eyes.

Frigga: Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.

She takes a step towards him and extends her hands, Loki goes to touch her hand but his hand goes through hers and we see that she's a hologram, Loki looks at Frigga with sadness and her hologram disappears, Jane, Masaru, and Thor walk in Asgard.

Jane Foster: When you came for me, you knew I was in trouble.

Thor: Well Heimdall had lost sight of you, you were no longer on Earth.

Jane Foster: Well, how's that possible?

Thor: I believe you were in between worlds. The Nine Realms travel within Yggdrasil, orbiting Midgard in much the way your planet orbits the sun. Every five thousand years the worlds align perfectly, we call this the Convergence. [he takes her hand and he shows her by touching his palm to hers] During this time the boarders between worlds become blurred. It's possible you found one of these points. We are lucky that it remained open. Once the worlds pass out of alignment, the connection is lost.

He leans closer and they kiss. Masaru's single ass looks away smiling.

Masaru: Ok...

Jane Foster: I liked the way you explained that. What's gonna happen to me?

Thor: I'll find a way to save you, Jane.

Jane Foster: Your father said there was...

Thor: My father doesn't know everything.

Suddenly they are interrupted by Frigga.

Frigga: Don't let him hear you say that.

Masaru: Isn't he like...Omnipresent?

Thor: No...I think...Jane Foster, please meet Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, my mother.

Jane looking embarrassed quickly removes her hand from Thor's mother, Frigga.

Jane Foster: Hi.

Masaru: Hello Queen.

Frigga: Ahhh a saiyan... it's nice to see there's some of you left.

Masaru smiles, In his cell, Algrim pulls out the rock that Malekith had placed in his stomach, he crushes it in his hand, transforming himself into a Kursed, he breaks free and releases the other prisoners, Loki watches all this from his cell, then Algrim walks up to Loki's cell and he look at Loki for a moment before turning and walking away.

Loki: You might want to take the stairs to the left.

Algrim turns and looks at Loki before walking away again; outside they hear the prison alarm going off.

Frigga: The prisons.

Thor: Loki.

Frigga: [referring to Jane] Go, I will look after her.

Thor takes off with his hammer, Masaru takes off alongside him, in the prison Volstagg and Fandral enter the fight with the prisoners.

Fandral: It's as if they resent being imprisoned.

Volstagg: There's no pleasing some creatures.

As they continue to fight, Loki is sat calmly in his cell reading, suddenly Masaru and Thor enter and everyone turns to look at him.

Thor: Return to your cells and further harm will come to you. You have my word. [suddenly one of the prisoners punches him in the face] Very well, you don't have my word.

Thor punches him back and starts fighting with the other prisoners. Masaru drop kicks a prisoner with such force that he goes flying into others.

Odin: [to his guards] Send a squadron to the weapons vault, defend it at all costs. Seal the dungeon.

Frigga: Odin.

Odin: Frigga. [to the Asgardian guards] Go! [to Frigga and Jane] It's a skirmish, nothing to fear.

Frigga: You've never been a very good liar.

At that moment Jane notices Sif as she walks past them.

Odin: Take her to you chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe.

Frigga: You take care.

Odin: Despite all I have survived, my queen still worries over me.

Frigga: It's only because I worry over you that you have survived. [Odin goes off, Frigga leads Jane away, she takes a sword from one of the guards] Listen to me now, I need you to do everything I ask and no questions.

Jane Foster: Yes, ma'am.

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