Public Announcement

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So, nothing bad with this announcement. Calm your nerves for those of you freaking out.

Including the chapter I finished but couldn't release due to a violent storm and then internet problems afterward, there are only four chapters left for this fanfic because of this I want to hear your thoughts on how you prefer the chapters to be distributed.

Would you all like me to keep releasing them one at a time like I have been or do you want me to instead release two at once or just release all four at the same time?

The current chapter being written doesn't have much left to finish it off, and the second to last chapter is mostly completed as well (There's a certain scene happening that I wanted to be near flawless so I wrote it months ago in advance, and have just gone back to do little edits).

The final chapter itself will barely have any actual story progression and will just be tying everything up and having it lead into part Act 2. I predict it probably won't even reach 1000 words of dialogue. (The chapter itself will still surpass 1000 words however. I'm not going to reveal why here though.)

If I don't hear enough thoughts, I'll likely just release all four at the same time and wrap up the book in that fashion, but again I want to hear your opinions first.

So, all four? Two at a time? Or one by one? Please comment your preference below.


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