Two Sides, One Coin

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Dark thundering shadows blotted the sky, lingering over the plentiful army below. Rumbling noises filled the afternoon air as the protective barrier shattered, making way for the airborne invaders as chaos raked across the battlefield.

Victims were created left and right, forfeiting their lives in the carnage. My eyes glossed over the bloodbath while my mind wandered elsewhere, questioning every conceivable choice leading to this path.

That's right. An event on par with the events of Ragnarok...

Ishtar was feasting.

Unbelievable. Three minutes since I uncovered the is thirty percent of the palette already devoured?

Ishtar's face held a beaming grin, entirely on cloud nine as she partook in the picnic joyously.

"Can you do anything else besides swallow? It doesn't look like you're chewing at all."

Ishtar's face flushed red at the same time her eyes closed. Little spurts of breathless gags escaped as she clutched her chest.

"Of course I am! That's a rude thing to ask someone!"

"Ah...really?" I inquired wondrously, my head leaning left at Ishtar's knitted expression.

"Yes! Sheesh, you have no tact whatsoever! And for the record...I was excited because it was my first delicious meal since being summoned."

Ishtar looked at me, reaching for another piece of bit-sized fish before stopping and hovering over the grub thoughtfully.

"Truthfully, I can't recall when someone last cooked me anything...actually, I've never had food cooked by anyone."

"Never? I imagined you've at least had a simple hot meal among all the grandeur you receive."

"You'd be surprised. Little simplistic things others get to experience, I can't say I can relate to. Sure I've had fresh meals when visiting Uruk in the past, but initially, I knew the citizens prepared it for Gilgamesh or their loved ones with the utmost love and care."

"Don't be mistaken, extravagant gifts are lovely; even so, getting a chance to eat a meal another person troubled themselves to make for me's a welcoming occurrence."

"Welcoming, huh..." I looked and shrugged at Ishtar, piling more fish and berries onto the emptying platter. "Doesn't being a servant ruin the occasion? Without the need to eat, the absolute joy of the act must be gone. I imagine some servants see it as an unnecessary chore even."

"I don't believe that. Enjoying great food is a blessing, including among us servants. Eating is a great mood booster. In fact, why not join me? It is your only chance to eat with a goddess like me alone. Heck, it might make you smile."

Ishtar leaned forward on all fours delivering a fish slice with a bewitching smile.


The blackened morsel gleamed in the sunlight. Bits of sauce coating rubbed off and traveled down Ishtar's hand during its course before coming to an unsuspected end.

"No thanks." I nudged the fish back. "It's a habit that I never eat at all. Enjoy the dish on your own; if it's all the same, I still wish to converse while dining. I want to get to know you deeper, Ishtar."

"Oh...have you become infatuated with me, Bahamut? You're not supposed to say stuff like that to a girl so lightly."

"I fail to see any problem with it. I am interested in you, namely, your reaction during the campfire yesterday."

The fish grasped between Ishtar's fingers plopped noisily against the plate and began to tumble until rolling into the long stalks of grass.

Ishtar's joyous attitude faded. Her smile peeled back, becoming slightly unreadable as she glanced away, tugging at a lone yellow flower swaying in the wind.

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