Another Goddess

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I woke the following day, my view obstructed by white fur and a small weight resting on my head as its breathing kept steady.


Carefully fazing through Fou, I catch him before he lands on the covers, gently carrying him in my arms as I walk out the door.

I'd begun frequenting Nero's living space sleeping there instead of my usual cave as per her request. Doing a quick round of the building, I find it empty, choosing to head into Uruk with my sleeping friend.

Hordes of soldiers rush past as I step through the south entrance, the army running deeper into the city with great urgency, hauling weapons and quickly fastening their armor.

(It must be another battle, the opposition must be increasing their efforts after yesterday's battles)

Treading deeper in the city myself. A loud explosion rocks the town as pebble-sized debris rains from the sky without warning. From the corner of my eye, I see movement in the sky, a giant golden bow arch through the clouds at incredible speed, disappearing far into the distance.

Murmurs ring from among the people, some of them pointing at the stairs to the throne room where shadows of people quickly run up the staircase.

(Atalanta and the lancer and assassin from that day, something major just went down.)

Still carrying my incapacitated companion, I catapulted over a blacksmithing tent atop a small building hopping from rooftop to rooftop until landing through the hole in the roof of the throne room.

All the servants were present as the throne room lay in tatters with broken treasures and shattered windows. Hanging from the roof I watched the sight below conveniently from above as a heated discussion took place.

"That was her second attack this week, she's becoming more and more of a menace with each passing day," Gilgamesh addressed, his eyes never prying away from the two stone tablets grasped in either hand.

"It is a problem, we can't keep diverting our forces towards calming her down every time she visits."

"Yes, I must agree with Merlin, every moment I'm not spending training or fighting with the soldiers is precious time wasted on ensuring their survival. I realize how ironic this sounds coming from a descendant of a god of war but it's detrimental we calmly fix the threat she poses."

"Leonidas correct. Citizens worried. Scared. Need to. Keep spirits high. Must calm angry goddess.", Nezha added on earning the agreement of everyone present.

Gilgamesh set down his stones rubbing his temple in annoyance shooting Siduri a silent gaze, the two having a conversation with their eyes before he leaned back in a huff.

"......There is one idea I've been sitting on. There is one non-lethal weakness Ishtar has yet to overcome even after becoming a heroic spirit, that being... her obsession with gems. Usually she'd receive such gifts as offerings, but recently nobody's been making any to her. "

"Obtaining the jewels by her lonesome is impossible because she lacks what's called the Golden Rule, it's rather jokingly pitiful; so we'll use her greatest desires to bring her crawling over to our side."

Gilgamesh gave an unmissable chuckle keeping his clasped hands in front of his face to obstruct the faintest smirk he was hiding quickly clearing his throat before continuing.

"Chaldea, I'll leave this task up to you with Merlin and one other person I have in mind. Take extra servants if you feel the need. However, don't propose the gems like it's an offering. We're not pledging fealty to Ishtar."

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