The Dragon's Masked Scars That Ran Deep (Trigger Warning)

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*Disclaimer, short message* *Trigger Warning*

So, um, as I mentioned a tad in the chapter before this one, this new addition will contain content from my original story I have in the works, much more than any other chapter has thus far. Everything about to be revealed in Silva's background is originally thought up and I'm trusting you guys not to copy/plagiarize any of it... please? I've conversated with a handful of you guys who read this book and you all seem like good people, so please don't break my heart and prove otherwise. I don't think I'd be able to recover.

Also, a short warning like I'm sure you've noticed, Silva's past will include heavy blood, graphic descriptions, and talk of acts of brutality.

If you see this symbol (⚠️) that means the topic is about to be discussed and you may skip ahead until you see the warning sign appear again before resuming reading for those of you with weak stomachs. You have been alerted!!!

Enough of that though, and without further ado, welcome to chapter 34!


"Silva... Azrael?"

The name was foreign coming off anyone's lips but mine, Atalanta's, or Okita's. The bouts of confusion etched onto almost every individual's face didn't go unnoticed, and yet they stayed quiet, allowing me to continue.

"Years prior to when we first met, lots of events molded Silva into part of what he is- all of them the reason for his hatred of humans and most immortals alike.

"Bahamut, Silva's dad mysteriously disappeared without a trace months before he was born. For nearly three years, he and his mom lived in their home on a mountain until the dragons finally found the courage to erase any trace they'd ever existed."

"Wait. So the dragons attacked their future prince and queen- like a violent insurgency of sorts?"

"The very exact kind." I raised my head, addressing Dr. Roman, who'd asked the question.

"If I thoroughly recall," Da Vinci's hologram flickered with movement as she tapped her chin in thought. "Nero, you said he was a hybrid. Clearly, he's not a pureblooded dragon. So what kind of half-breed are we talking about here?"

"That is... a topic too deeply to discuss. But you're correct about him not being a pureblood. Silva's mother was alleged to be mortal, resulting in him becoming the first theoretical dragon halfling ever born. With three years of Bahamut never returning, their fear of him coming back to discover their plans vanished- on the day of the attack, over four-hundred dragons assaulted them, separating Silva from his mom in the chaos..."

"Where they eventually crossed paths with me." Typhoon jumped in, taking over the storytelling.

"Actually... it was more like I took them in. I'm a friend of his mother's, so I teleported him into my domain when I found him unconscious in my territory. From there, well, after some introductions, we embarked on a quest to seek out his mother."

"A year and three months passed in that time. Reuniting with her brought a different ending than what we expected..."

"She was... Aurora was... entirely not the same person. The life was drained from her eyes, and physically she appeared in bad shape, but more surprising than that... was the new family she had. One would say that the man Aurora married was the spark of misfortune, not only for Silva, but his mother and the new siblings he gained that day."

"Bolt, he... that deplorable god did..."

"Typhoon?" The intensely burning light living inside the pendant went dark. Subtle silence fell from the other end. Their voice stilled, all-anyone's ears within the surrounding campfire could hear for minutes on end was an endless moment of the god's long heavy breaths.

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