OC Update/ Character Sheet

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Just a few things about Silva for those who have or haven't read my Dangan Fanfic– including some new material.

Character Chart

Full name: Silva Azrael

Meaning of name: Cataclysm of the end

Character nicknames: Bahamut (self-claimed), Ryu-nii, or Sisi (younger sister)

Birthdate: Highnoon 3/5 (fifth day in the third month of spring)

Race: Dragon-hybrid

Physical Appearance

Age: 18 (no longer ages)

Weight: 150

Height: 5'7

Body Build: Athletic-muscular

Hair color: Purplish-midnight blue

Eye color: Amethyst purple

Skin tone: Olive-skinned

Distinguishing marks: Dragon tribal birthmark running down the right side of chest

Additional Features:  Short horns (small enough to be hidden by hair, nobody knows)

Weapons: Transforming Chains


Personality: Aloof, reckless, and unreadable. Will constantly put himself in danger without fully understanding how much it worries his friends. Isn't socially adept. Usually address others with a calm expressionless face; only smiles and shows other emotions to friends.

Hobbies: Cooking, lying in open fields, relaxing and helping friends, avoiding Aphrodite

Dislikes: Sleeping, 99% of humans

Extremely skilled at: Cooking, crafting weapons

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