Bring Heaven to Hell

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It had been some time since we left the surface, departing for the world below.

The deeper we flew in, the more things remained unclear as concepts like time and distance were difficult to grasp. The unorthodox nature of the darkness played with me at its leisure, occasionally depriving Ishtar and me of oxygen or tormenting our minds with visions that would drive the average man insane.

I shook myself free from the screaming voices and whispers ringing in my head, unknowingly crashing into Ishtar for the umpteenth time.

"H-Hey! That's the fifth time now. W-Watch where you're crashing into me...are you doing it on purpose?"

"Sorry, it's not intentional, but must you shriek each time it happens?"

"I can't help my reaction. You keep bumping into a ticklish spot headfirst and..."


"Nothing. Just keep close, but not too close."

Close but not too close, what does that even mean? Even with the light from Typhoon's pendant I can scarcely see past the shadows.

More importantly...what was it she wanted to say?

Without being able to view Ishtar's expression I couldn't help but prod at the question while absentmindedly following behind.

"Say Ishtar, how much longer do you think we have......Ishtar?"

There was silence. I darted left and right, yet no matter where I looked, I couldn't make out anything lingering in the dark.

Was she grabbed?

With a quick sniff I easily picked up her scent. Chains grasped firmly in either hand, I plunged in deeper after drawing a deep breath.

The world came crashing down in an instant.

Forces of gravity shifted, increasing by double to send me spiraling into a pressurized wind tunnel.

I clawed my wings into solid stone on either side, ceasing the descent down before the situation escalated out of control. An inconspicuously hidden blue light reflected in my orbs, drawing attention to the cavern's roof where it shined splendidly.

A magic sigil. I see. It must be a trap mechanism that activates when condemned souls try to flee, one which likely exerts a certain amount of gravity based on the target's sins. Much like Hades had.

...Guess I don't have as many as I thought if I'm able to flap my wings normally.

At any rate, with this being the only physical change in our surroundings thus far, it's safe to bet Ishtar is waiting wherever this passage ends.

The forceful winds carried me through the passage as I melted into the current, dislodging myself from the wall.

I rocked and swayed, bouncing around in the snug tunnel, the fierce winds passing me by sounding like the rumbling of a beast.

Journeying through the mysterious burrow with no idea where I'd pop out. I leaned back and shut my eyes, enjoying the trip.


Shooting out similar to an arrow firing, I was freed from the tight space, arriving in a large spacious area.

The territory was brighter and a dark shade of blue, the atmosphere noticeably cooler, with rocks surrounding the vast landscape as far as the eye could see.

So this is Babylonian Hell. Weird. I expected a lot of fire, maybe even a river or two.

Before I could explore further...

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