Operation Taming Jaguar (Part 2)

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Rustle Rustle! Pwhooo... Rustle Rustle!

The leaves shook, bouncing either way in the raging winds of the next day. Aside from the whispering of the forest's trees, not a sound traveled through the woodland. One figure's discreet footsteps, hopping from branch to branch, leaping through the canopy of trees without being spotted or making the slightest noise.

The body of a young boy ran faster than the sound barrier could keep up with, his white pendant bobbling around his neck as he continued passing the world by.

"Are you sure leaving Atalanta was for the best? You could've tried a little harder to convince her."

"Not sure what you expect me to do, Typhoon. Atta was adamant about not needing help; she even pushed us away. God knows her strength matches her stubbornness."

I ducked under a hanging branch continuing my telepathic argument with the sealed god complaining vehemently in my head.

"Even so, what are we doing in the forest? It's not like there's any business for us here."

"Officially not today, but it's second nature to scout the enemy's environment. It's always best to know everything you can about where you're fighting."

"I'd still prefer if you'd left me in that lovely room. What more are you hoping to learn about Jaguar bringing me along anyway?"

"It's not her we're scouting but rather Kuk-er Quetzalcoatl. I believe the former isn't included among the numbers of the Goddess Alliance anyhow." I said calmly, jumping left in a new direction.

"Because...why?" Typhoon questioned. As if tilting an imaginary head at my idea.

"Her low-ranking divinity. Suppose you compare Jaguar to other gods like Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades, Olympus's big three. They all radiate stronger divine energy that distinguishes them as high-ranking S-class gods or higher. She doesn't emit such a force, and let's not forget Okita was able to keep up with her for a short while. It's highly implausible to believe Jaguar would be able to hang onto such a title with gods likely as strong Ishtar roaming Uruk."

"...You may be onto something. Being a lower divine being myself, even my divinity surpasses hers. Assuming this proves valid, we have two other unknown alliance members with no information on either. In hindsight, we've created more work for ourselves." Typhoon groaned, the necklace's sparkling shine dimming away as they exited the conversation.

"More work for me, you mean." I thought to myself.

Deaccelerating, dropping to the ground weightlessly like a puff of air, I stand before a wide size of open land that's closed in like a square, shaped by the setting of houses and wilderness playing as makeshift corners.

(Weird, nobody's here.)

Pieces of the earth were split open and trees further in the background lay torn apart, collapsed against each other.

Lines of stone pillars had been reduced to no more than piles of dust and asphalt before the grand temple, the centerpiece of the scene they formerly stood guard for until not long ago.

The destruction displayed made evident that a battle had previously taken place merely a few days in the past.

Sensing not a soul nearby, I let go of my held breath moving forward confidently to explore the ring and its surrounding chaos.


The worn lifeless door of the bottom right house pulled back from the frame as I stepped into its abandoned interior.

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