Harbinger Of The End: I

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Two minutes before the battle

"This should work. I've conjured up a scheme and divided everyone here into one of four groups where they should be most key to our set win conditions." Keeping a cautious eye on Tiamat's movements and the black waters creeping at her feet below the clouds we glided above, Merlin communicated with us his plan, marking us each with a number.

One, huh? Okita, Nezha, Serenity, and Shiki share the same numeral with me.

"As mentioned in our previous meeting, since both Beasts are active we'll need two groups to combat them. Squad one will focus on buying time and slowing down Silva until squad three can complete their objective. Needless to say, it wouldn't hurt if you and Okita tried to talk him down as you fought, Nero. I know you've remarked that you tried separately already, but you and Okita together might be able to spark a reaction from him."

"Likewise, squad two of Quetzalcoatl, Jaguar, Ishtar, and Ereshkigal- the servants with more knowledge concerning Tiamat shall confront her, alongside the possible threat of Kingu should he be by her side."

"Assigning only four people to Tiamat... is that truly the best plan of action to be called?" Ishtar challenged Merlin, resting on Manna to his immediate right.

"I agree it's not ideal, but the greater amount of people we have assigned to Silva, the quicker our problem with him has a chance of being terminated. If Ana or Tomoe was still around I could've split the teams even... since they aren't, I had to prioritize the likelier bigger threat. You'll just have to do your best until assistance arrives."

"I'm aware. I wasn't criticizing you caster, just venting my pre-battle frustrations." Ishtar deflated, continually performing her task of sorting through her gems.

Readjusting his attention to team three composed of Atalanta and Jeanne, Merlin persisted with relaying his strategy.

"I doubt there's much I can tell you both about what your task is. With the primordial sea no longer contained in Hell but flowing across Uruk, your duo needs to await somewhere safe from the throes of battle until you spot it floating in the waves. Retrieve it then find a way to transfer it into the hands of someone on team one, where you'll stay and aid them in suppressing Silva."

"Then what lies in the purpose of team four?" Mash raised an arm, revealing a faint purple number glowing on the surface of her dark armor.

"Yes, on the subject of that... you, me, and Fujimaru as the final team will be venturing down to the underworld to handle some small business while the war rages above, Mash."

"What are you traveling to the underworld for then Merlin? Is this business detrimental when you just told team three they had no reason to step into Kur?"

"Hmm... Let's sum up and say there's a... sleeping force that's waiting to meet our dear last master so it can awaken. That's all I can say for now, Ereshkigal."

"You're making us take a huge gamble leading master deep underground away from the vast majority of us. I hope what you're setting out to do is truly worthwhile."

"I won't be leaving without helping in some manner, Serenity. I'll cast spells on both groups- a particular spell that'll help in healing your injuries and levitate you when the need arrives so neither party one or two will have to worry about being swallowed by the sea while engaged in battle."

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