Fallen Hero?

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"A literal hole leading down into the ground; taking shelter in a place similar in theme to the Isle. I should've seen this coming."

I traced Enkidu's and the other servant's scent back to their hideout, dropping into an underground space.

The area was enlightened with a deep purple glow by the condensed magic running through the earth's veins within the cavern.

Pulling in my wings, I walked around until I stopped beneath a peculiar sight- an individual that was out of place among those of us gathered here, floating in suspended animation within something like an incubator.

Mind and body asleep in tandem, the unconscious girl was a victim to the changes her battered and torn body had been forced to undergo as the tank entrapping her worked to finish its given task. The left side of her previous cream-colored skin was now black and corrupted, a mere preview of what her right side would soon come to look like as well.

"Mother insisted on bringing her prize back here. A new look for the new side she'll be fighting for... you've appeared to have adopted one yourself."

Their exposed feet tapped distantly from the other end of the tunnel, becoming clearer while they continued their path toward me until they halted in the limelight made by the glow from the tank.

"I thought you were kidding yourself when you talked of allying with us, you actually showing yourself here, well.... I'll admit how unexpected I find it."

Pushing forward to brush past Enkidu, he pushes his hand into my chest, stopping my move forward.

"Not so fast. You see, I have an... unfinished task I let get away. Before I allow you to come any further into our quarters, why not show some resolve and back the words you said earlier by completing it for me? It's best to build a somewhat trusting relationship; start small as they say."

Able to make out the giantess resting ahead in a wide expanse that opened up from the path, I refocused on Enkidu who patiently awaited an answer after telling me what they sought.

"Apsychos." I summoned my chains, holding two in each hand as I turned for the exit and dragged my eighteen-foot length weapons behind, half-heartedly complying with the request for a single reason I had no intention of sharing with the lancer.

"Just one thing..." Raising his head after refusing to look at me until now, the rightmost side of their face bathing in the tank's glow shined with a purple tint as Enkidu met my eyes. "I know for a fact you know who the servant is. You two have some history together which begs my curiosity to ask why you haven't called her by her name."

"......Because she hates it. You could argue that she and Medusa are one and the same, but they're not. For that reason, I can't call her Medusa, but I also refuse to address her by that name because I know from experience how much it makes her feel like what that name degrades her as."

"Is that so? Then I'd prefer that you start calling me Kingu from now on since Enkidu is a retired name."

"...And you, may refer to me by what I've been deemed as... Beast VII."

Propelling out from the underground cavern's well-hidden entrance, I tore apart the clouds with my speed, raking over the land with my keen sight. Sniffing the cloth piece lancer had placed in my care for the search, the smell of someone familiar filled my nostrils as I ramped up my speedy flight in the direction their smell urged me to follow.

☆☆☆Somewhere in the wild ◇◇◇

Leaves rustled with a quickness incited by the wind blowing in an area apart of the wilds I hadn't been to before, the terrain beautifully unperturbed by any battles, making it the perfect scene for anyone to hide in among the sea of green nature laying before my eyes.

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