Jaguar vs Shinsengumi

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We stood in a standoff with a cat-clad enemy. Their tail steadily wagged, their droopy tired eyes staring at us questioningly.

"Who are you, people? ...Ah! Are you friends with the other group?"

"We could ask you of the same. Are you associated with the goddess alliance?"

"Hmm...give mew a few seconds......Jaguar needs time to formulate an answer."

"Did they say Jaguar, Bahamut do you know any deities with that title?", Okita leaned in whispering out of the pondering cat's earshot.

"No, they're not from Greek myths that, I'm sure. At first glance, she's a forest guardian or at least a goddess that has an earth attribute. The only Greek god that closely relates with her would be Pan."

"However, looking at that costume I'm confident she originates from Aztec myths."

"So, it is a costume."

"It's not a costume! I can hear both of you and your sneaky whispers!"

"Whether or not it's a costume aside would you detail us in on why you're here, and what that basket's for." Jeanne chirped in pointing the tip of her lance forward.

"Mew? It's a sacrifice basket obviously. Poor Kuku is overworking Jaguar again never a moment of rest for this cat."

"Oh!... Could it be, are you guys, collectors, for Kuku as well?"

Jaguar's tail perked up instantly at the misunderstanding, in under a minute her demeanor flew from tired to depressed to happy, her clothing never failing to adopt each change in attitude and expression.

"Hmm...looking closer neither of you have a basket..or seem to be gods, then that means you guys are sacrifices, like the group Kuku is fighting!"

The cat warrior threw the basket from her shoulders, a sharp glint apparent in her pupils as her muscles tensed and every breath became shallow as she raised her club in a fighting stance.

Jeanne moved to place herself between us and the god; standing in front of me and Okita, lights floating around her as she chanted softly looking at Jaguar.

"Goddess or not, evil or good you'll find no sacrifices here. Please leave."

"Evil, I'm not evil. I'm just eating the prey the earth has summoned for us, big predators eat the small weak prey, that's how the food chain works, therefore, I'm doing nothing wrong!"

Jaguar and her paw club roared forward; a ferocious growl rocked the air as the orange energy emanating from her clashed against Jeanne's spear, colors of orange and yellow consuming the battlefield in a blinding struggle.

Jeanne is forcibly repelled as her quick barrier shatters from the strike, Jaguar immediately leaping away despite her victory as Okita and her engage in a fight of speed and agility.

The two weapons bounce off each other in a flurry of strikes as I watch while helping Jeanne to her feet. The three jaguars quickly slip by in the chaos running for the town.

"Are you good?"

"Yes, I think so. Just minor scratches. Can you handle her with Okita? I'll deal with the animals."

" careful."

I take off in the air leaving Jeanne behind as I observe the battle unfolding from above; Okita was pressuring Jaguar from all sides leaving little time for her opponent to wield her weapon properly.

"Mew! Why'd I have to get a saber this isn't remotely fair!", Jaguar complained tossing away her weapon stunning Okita in surprise she ducked under her sword swing dropping to all fours before launching her in the air with a backflip kick.

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