Harbinger of the End (IV): Silva v. Death

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Kutha-abandoned, not yet flooded by Tiamat

Water vs. Fire—wielders of these long-feuding and rivalrous natural elements were in a contested conflict with the other.

The haunting atmosphere of the ghost town played up the place's lack of youthfulness; the scarcity it held for any breath of life literally or figuratively. Its buildings had rotten under the imposing pressure of the massive waves, and its roads had been pruned away by ruinous fires that followed both fighters' arrival, leaving little more than sparse remnants of the civilized town.

Even now in the face of a massive tidal wave that crumbled houses and swept up the land in its might, the flames of the lotus warrior continued to flicker, fighting to restore what was on the cusp of extinction—human life and civilization.


Poison. Problem. Cleansing proving ineffective. More keeps finding its way into veins.

Metal legs, issue?

Lance tipped in ever-burning fire, the surge of crystal-blue water was severed by my next slash before it jetted down over my airborne body. With thundering might, the mass of H2O smacked flat against the earth and spontaneously reformed as quickly. Propulsively exploding through the night sky with the flames burning at my feet, I zipped about evading the columns of water the servant created as she rode them higher to reach my altitude, joyous in her laughter.

"Helping Beasts. Silva and Tiamat. Why? Gain nothing." I questioned what I couldn't understand and fired off my bracelets, the twin gold rings chasing the motions of the extra-class enemy who moved with the grace of a veteran ballerina.

"Nothing to gain? I suppose you're not far off the mark. I accepted the dragon's invitation because I imagined it would push me a step closer to achieving what I sought. Well, that and because some inkling of my soul finds his motivations...intriguing."

"Selfish desires." I unnaturally retorted harshly, earning but a laugh that countered my bark from my opponent.

"Don't we all have them? Even after becoming heroic spirits, we don't lose the capacity to feel desire. Isn't that why most servants seek the grail in typical grail wars, to fulfill their selfish wishes? And likewise..."

"...I want to realize mine as soon as I can. This curiosity I feel might be bound to fade otherwise, leaving me behind with questions of what could've been." The voice of hers echoed from behind. My eyes or my ears, one of my senses were being fooled. Every direction I peered only escalated the rising feeling of paranoia that I was already check-mated by the enemy, set within their trap before I realized it.

The waters even without the servant actively controlling them, carried on impartial of their role in the demise of the lifeless settlement. Glossy and reflexive; the raging blue torrent lured my eyes to its surface as I squinted my pupils near-shut. My eyes appeared missing at a glance as I studied the mysterious distortion disturbing the rapid stream from my high altitude.

Fishing themselves from the current's pull, the viewable distortion subsided with the return of my golden rings retreating from the waters. Met with my reflection appearing in the smoothly crafted exterior of the golden bracelets, a twinkling white light interrupted the image of my mirrored expression.

Coming to rest where they'd been on my arm beforehand, the jewelry slid onto the cold clamminess my skin had become from the time I spent in the water as the skies contorted with a funky ripple.

Sickle-shaped blades of H²O propelled through the air, dropping violently like hail. Caught in the concentration of threatening slices, my flesh was the metaphorical fruit on a cutting board, withering under the duress of the building shower with each fresh laceration that gouged my skin as crimson splurted from my left shoulder like a drowning victim regurgitating the water they swallowed.

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