Operation Taming Jaguar (Fin)

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"Hehe, yes, that's it! Fight, fight!"


The earth I stood on disintegrated with Quetz's powerful strike.


"On it, master."

The reverberating shockwave split the ground, forming a large mouth that consumed the piles of rubble.

Scooping Ishtar, Okita, Atta, and Nezha in her mouth, Riessa moved them outside the city as the chasm swallowed the rocks they rested on.


A fierce torrent swept over my face as I ducked and flipped myself out of reach from another swing.

"You're pretty agile. Your soul is just screaming with passion, si! Are you a lover of the ways of the luchador as well?"

Lucha... The hell is this woman on?

Magic roared to life around my hand. Holy flames and a symphony of other elements danced with the splendor of a rainbow in my palm. "I'm no practitioner. The only art I indulge myself in is taking down gods like you!" I glared furiously, my fist aimed at Quetzalcoatl.

"Such pretty flames you have. Do you wield them for humanity's future or perhaps, to eradicate every obstacle in your path?"

"I've never wielded my power for humans, only to protect and change the fate of my friends' lives. Humans benefited from our actions, but I've never given much thought to defending them."

"So, in the end, you're another person with a clear hatred for humans. I suppose that changes things..."

Her voice suddenly dripped with unexpected coldness, sharp like icicles, absent of the previous enthusiasm she enunuciated every word she spoke with. Quetz blurred from sight, seemingly gone as my vision filled with her macana being swung at the left side of my head with incredible speed and precision. "Destined enemies we shall stand then, our ideals clash such as we shall."


"...So they do." My right eye glows as I catch the attack, making Quetz eat the energy she poured into the swing as I reflected it back, destroying the entire block and sending the goddess outside the city's walls.

"Nice counterattack!" Quetz sang, regaining composure as I spread my wings and lifted her above the clouds.

Kicking me away, she broke my grip and casually floated through the sky as we began trading fists in the air.

"You're giving great effort, but I've still got you!"


Such surprising athletic prowress

Using her agility, Quetzalcoatl flipped over my punches. Her muscular legs quickly enclosed around my neck, while her arms shot for my wings until she had me utterly constricted with her body like a cobra. Holding all the reins, together we rapidly lost altitude, twirling like helpless logs as we plummeted much to Quetzalcoatl's joy.

Such surprising athletic prowress, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you to take me for a spin!

Switching the roles, I fade and teleport behind Quetzalcoatl making her the bottom. Dark clouds formed in the atmosphere casting shadows over our fight for control. Our battle brewing an incoming storm.

"River of the Damned!"

Black and malicious soul-infested waters zipped and howled through the blue expanse, fast enough to compete with Pegasus, engulfing us both.

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