Operation: Taming Jaguar (Part 1)

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"Nii-san! ...Hey, Silva-nii, let's play!"

Things always started like this; one way or the other, I would undoubtedly arrive at this point whenever I fell asleep.

My body drifted aimlessly through a sea of water; red, blue, green; spirits of all colors swam around me playfully.

I stared up, looking at nothing, no dreams or peaceful memories filling my mind, only the sound of a little girl and her sweet youthful laughter echoing about, slowly fading away as she called out to me again.

"Silva-nii! Hey, Silva-nii...why couldn't you save me, big brother?"

As prophesized, my dreamscape altered, the sky and water dying black, the spirits swimming transformed into a nightmarish mist dashing forward to wrap around my limbs and drag me down into the depths.

Vivid images and horrific sounds plagued me as I struggled to stay afloat; a village was lit aflame, burning down, mangled bodies of children lined the streets as panicked screams filled the air, and people trampled over each other, trying their best to survive.

In the middle of it all, a desecrated shrine dedicated to Zeus crumbled and burned to ashes, my five-year-old self peering at the shrine in awe at what else lay there within. Lying on a podium in the midst of it all, a small girl, no more than three, covered in sacrificial wounds, her right eye completely pierced through by a ritual dagger as she bled from every laceration without any sign of it slowing any time soon.

The winds began to blow harder, imitating a shrieking wail as trees toppled over and stone buildings caved in, kicking up blankets of dust among the dancing embers.

When it all settled, the young girl's frame was floating in the air. Her battered and bloody body hung unnaturally, the bangs of her hair hiding both eyes from view in a sinister look.

An unhinged chuckling roared to life, rising higher than the burning fire. Raising her head, bringing both eyes into view, her right socket was utterly empty, a black void in place of what was last there.

Rotting away, the left side replicated the act, mirroring the other half. Her head swayed then tilted, those empty sockets bearing into me as if they could see everything happening outside the memory.

Brushing past the younger me, the girl escaped the recollection crashing into the real me, submerging my head with the rest of myself under the tumultuous black water.

The evil spirits continued to drag me down, and the exhausting feeling of drowning began to take root. Despite being in a dream, I started to feel out of breath, suffocating as I struggled to fight the girl off, her hands trying to plunge into my chest and her teeth trying to sink into my neck, all while she continued laughing psychotically.

"...Silva-nii, Silva-nii, Silva-nii! You came back; you finally returned!"

"All alone for so long, it was just me and the dark for eternity, but now we can be together forever like you promised!"

"...Please, don't leave me again."

At the core of the craziness, lying deep within, was a profound sadness behind her actions. Seeing the truth past the child's twisted expression, I lost the motivation to fight, letting my arms slacken as the girl pierced my heart, hugging me in a tight embrace afterward as we sunk deeper.

My eyes fluttered, trying to fight, closing for the final time as gulps of water continually invaded my lungs. Looking up, the last thing I saw was me of the past become engulfed by the raging flames before the nightmare faded once again, and I felt the cold press of death take me.


I jumped awake covered in sweat from head to toe, throwing Fou from my head onto the bed as he gazed at me in concern. Running hands across my chest and over my eyes, I breathed a sigh of relief, looking down disheartened, right hand clasped over my right eye as I brooded.

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