Dance Number

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"Don't keep me waiting, what's it gonna be, miss?"

"I suggest you take his warning. I can only keep him at bay for so long."

"You make it sound as if I run off the handle all the time."

"Did you forget the fight with Ares?"

"Everything I did to him was perfectly within bounds. He got his just desserts."

Taking full advantage of our banter the girl grabs her weapon and attempts a strike aiming for the head.

Yet her movements may as well have been in slow motion, I casually flick the lance away and reach for her arm gripping it tightly and pulling her close to deliver a devastating strike to the midsection.

The kick sends the mystery assailant tumbling across the forest, tree after tree getting absolutely flattened as she crashes through them landing outside my illusion.

Coughing up blood I watch as she struggles for air, slowly approaching twirling her lance around my hand mockingly.

"I did give you fair warning I'm not known for hitting like a marshmallow. Let's test your weapon, shall we?"

Bringing the blade down I swing for her head to kill...but the strike never connects, a terrible earthquake rings out across the land rattling everything in Mesopotamia.

Not too far off a huge tsunami disappeared behind the coast settling down as if it was all an illusion.

Observing the area I click my teeth frustratedly noticing both the girl and her weapon had vanished.

"That's unfortunate. Seems like the tsunami was timed purposefully."

"Appears that way, maybe we should check it out, what'd say Typhoon?"


☆ Somewhere near the coast ☆

The tsunami that occurred was no natural disaster intended by nature, but a supernatural phenomenon caused by what most would call an abnormal servant.

Her indigo hair matched the color of the tide and the metal legs she wore glided across the water gracefully. Anyone who watched couldn't help but describe it as godly.

The performance she gave transcended beyond the sea waking a tidal wave that engulfed Mesopotamia, making the tsunami before look like a single drop of rain.


Looming colors of the evening sky clouded over a silent Uruk, the dark eerie setting contrasted from its usual liveliness, almost as if it was a deserted ghost town.

Only the three individuals transcending their path up to the throne room served as an indication of any remaining life.

"I wonder what King Gilgamesh called us for?"

"Siduri said it was of utmost importance but she didn't disclose much information."

"Who knows. We shouldn't keep them waiting for long. If he wants you and Mash after casting y'all aside earlier it has to be big."

"How big is the question?"

"Time to find out...we're here."

Gudako, Mash, Fou, and Merlin entered the room respectively where Siduri, Gilgamesh, and the other servants were already waiting.

"...Seems this is about everyone, a shame Atalanta couldn't take time out her day to join matter."

"I'll save the trouble of guessing and explain why you've been asked here. There's a stampede of beasts headed for the city, their numbers total anywhere from fifteen to twenty-five thousand."

Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x God's Wrath OC Series Story)Where stories live. Discover now