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A month later.

After the small mishap in the shooting set, Jason came to visit a few more time when he was free and seeing that the protagonist didn't do anything out of the ordinary and just continue to honestly do his job, Jason felt bored and didn't come anymore.

Plus he also started to get busy attending variety show after the cast on his hand had been removed.

At the kindergarten, kids were standing while surrounding four tall, good looking men that were followed by three cameramen.

Soomin, one of the caretaker of the kindergarten couldn't approached them since she had to take care of one special kid named Lucas Zhang.

Fortunately, Lucas was quite well-behaved today and didn't throw a tantrum like usual and only focus on drawing.

"Ok so your task for today is to be caretakers for these kids for a whole day while the original caretakers will be on standby. You need to do some fun activities with the kids while also answering questions about your childhood from our cameramen and staffs," the producer (PD) said.

"Ok PD."

"Let's start."

The oldest member of Cronos, Chris Tang chose a group of small girls and decided taking care of girls were easier than boys.

The leader Revan was the opposite, he decided to play at the playground with the kids especially the boys. Ray on the other hand asking the kids if they liked fairytale stories and started choosing story books to read.

Contrary to other members, Jason only focus on one kid, a boy named Lucas who was drawing on a wall. The caretaker tried to make him draw on a piece of paper but he resolutely didn't want to thus the caretaker only let him be.

Jason decided to take an easel and a drawing board before putting a piece of paper on them and make sure it didn't move. He then started drawing beside Lucas with colorful color pencils he found scattered on the floor.

The original Jason wasn't that artistic but he had learned basic sketching and water painting thus teaching kindergarten kids seem fine.

Plus based on the original's temperament, he didn't like noisy kids the most so Lucas was the best kid in his eyes.

Sensing someone was beside him, Lucas turned around before he saw Jason drawing comfortably on the piece of paper. Taking it as an example, he also took a piece of paper on the floor before scrabbling on it.

He would take a peak at Jason's drawing before trying to imitate it.

This went on until lunch time.

"Jason, lunch time," Ray couldn't help but to remind him.

"He's always like that when he started doing something. That's why during our busy time, Jason would bring his own lunch box according to the menu our company nutritionist had provided to each of us," Revan said to the camera.

PD: "You guys have a nutritionist?"

"RaeStar have two nutritionists and two physical trainers in order to make sure none of us are out of shape or too thin. None of RaeStar artists are underweight or overweight since our nutritionists always make sure we eat properly," Ray explained.

PD: "Is that how you guys can have six pack?"

"PD sure know how to ask question. Ehem just a sneak peak because Boss Kim might get angry later on," Revan said before pulling his shirt up, revealing the tone abdominal muscle with faint six packs lines.

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