Chapter 40: Lessons learned

Start from the beginning

I can't get over how nervous I am. It's ridiculous. This is what I want. Ever since he found out about Melissa, he's put me first. He's even reduced communication with his parents. He's letting me take the lead. I run my fingers through my hair again for one last look. "It's now or never." I tell myself. I walk out of my room and see Auggie sitting on the couch watching tv. When he hears me, he jumps up, "Hold on for a minute." He tells me before he walks out the front door and closes it. Now I'm just confused and then I hear a knock. I walk to the door wondering what the hell Auggie is up to. When I open the door, I see Auggie with a bouquet of wildflowers. "Hi", is all he says with a big smile on his face. I smile back and say "Hi" to respond to him. We just stand there for a minute grinning at one another. He breaks the moment when he tells me, "You look beautiful River." I open the screen door allowing him back into the house. I laugh at his goofy ass. "You're such a dork." I tell him as he hands me my flowers. I bring them to my nose and smell the wild mixture of flowers. Auggie has already gotten the vase out and is filling it up with water. I walk to him and pull the strap off that keeps the bundle together. Once they're in the water I turn to Auggie and wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his. I've wanted to do that for a while, but I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to wait another minute. He kisses me back and presses me to him as he takes the kiss deeper, but too quickly he steps back putting space between us. "I'd like to do that all night, but if we don't leave right now, we will be late."

He grabs my pinkie and leads me out the door. "Are you still not going to tell me where we are going?" I ask.

He opens my door, "nope", but that's all he says. I climb in the truck, and he closes my door. I watch him as he walks around the truck.


We've been driving for about twenty minutes, heading in a direction I'm not familiar with. Our conversation switches easily from talking about work to singing and dancing to songs on the radio to comfortable silence. Another ten minutes we are pulling into a place with a barn. I see horses in a fenced area. I quickly turn to him giddy inside, "Are we doing what I think we're doing?"

"If you are thinking we will be shoveling shit you'd be correct." I gasp. "Ewe no." I respond.

He's laughing again. I give him a look but can't keep it. "What?"

"I'm just messing with you. If you were thinking, we were going horse back riding you'd be correct." He says with a big grin. I can't believe he remembered. I had talked about doing something like this when I first moved here. Gosh! This is so dang sweet.


After we finish riding, we brush the horses. The trail we rode on was so pretty. It was funny watching Auggie on a horse. I had the best time laughing and making memories. After we put the brushes up and feed the horses, I notice miniature cows on the other side of the barn. I walk towards the fencing that contains them and I start to pet them. They are so adorable. Auggie walks up beside me, and he does the same thing. We had a guide earlier, who took us all over the property. I would definitely do this again. When we finish petting the cows, we tell our guide bye and get back in the truck. He opens my door and I climb back in. When he gets in, he leans over and gives me a quick peck. Before I can think about it, he asks, "You hungry?"

"I could definitely eat." I tell him not able to control the smile on my face.

"Good" As soon as we are moving in a forward direction, he grabs my pinkie, and he pulls it into his lap. I'm so happy and can't wipe the smile off my face. Best day ever! I'm so happy.

Two months later: River

In the past couple of months Auggie and I have continued to date. It's weird because we live together and dating, but we still haven't had sex. Don't get me wrong, we have done plenty of other things, but I don't want to wait any longer. We have been taking our time learning the things we like as adults a lot like what we did as teenagers, but I want to know what he feels like inside me as an adult. He's bigger than I remember. It's like we have only been teasing one another since we decided to date, and I can't wait anymore.

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