Chapter 16: The Move

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I walk off the airplane with the only items I own: a backpack and a carry on. I've never felt the need to carry around extra baggage I didn't need. It feels different walking off the plane as a civilian. I'll miss the Army, but like my mom always said, I feel like I got more out of the Army than the Army got out of me. It was there during a time in my life that I needed to be completely broke down and rebuilt. Going through basic training I didn't have time to think about what had happened to me. With long days waking up the butt crack of dawn, working not only physically all day long but mentally. By the time I dropped into bed I didn't have time to think about anything. As soon as I closed my eyes I was out. I didn't want to waste a minute of my sleep time; you never knew when the drill sergeants would be in to wake you up to fuck with you. I grew not only physically but mentally. There were times I didn't know if I would make it through the training exercise, I learned to sleep anywhere from a concrete floor to standing up. A story for another time. I met a lot of great people; I also met a lot of dumb people too. We won't talk about them. After I got to my first duty station everything was fine and we all were going to get into a routine. I know I'll miss it and certain people. Speaking of the devil.

I hear my phone ping and I pull it out to check it.

Baxter: Did you make it?

River: Yeah I just landed

Baxter: Is your mom still picking you up?

River: Yes I texted her when I landed and she said she was pulling up. I'll give you a call when I get settled tonight.

Baxter: thumpsup emoji

I see my mom waiting in baggage claims. She wraps me up in a big hug. Aunt Connie is with her. When mom releases me, I'm immediately in Aunt Connie's arms. "Missed you girlie."

"Missed you too." Responding to her fighting back tears. It's been five years since I have stepped foot in this state. I pull back, "Are you all ready?" I just want to get out of here and settled in somewhere. They look at each other. "Do you have anything else?"

"No, everything I own is on my back and right here." I nod to my carryon.

"Okay Uncle Eddie is holding our spot."

"I didn't know you were going to bring everybody mom.", I chastised.

"They wanted to come; they haven't seen you in a while.", she responds sheepishly.

"I can't wait to have the family back together.", Aunt Connie responds in the chipper way she always does.

I sigh, "I'm not ready to see everyone, Aunt Connie. I'll take a rain check."

Aunt Connie squeezes my shoulder, "Just let me know when you feel up to it. Especially when you get everything situated."

We walk out to the pick-up and drop area and I see Uncle Eddie right away. He's currently talking to a security guard. He's looking around while he's talking to the guy and when he spots us his eyes light up, he starts waving with a big goofing grin. I feel a tinge of sadness not only because I miss my dad, but because at one time the guy I'm smiling back at was someone I looked at like a second dad. That all changed the night of prom. I know Aunt Connie and Uncle Eddie have continued to try to be in my life, coming to visit with my mom whenever I was in the states. I just needed to get away from everything and everyone. My Uncle rounds the back of the vehicle and grabs my carry on. He tries to grab my backpack and I tighten my grip out of habit. "This one stays with me."

"Okay then, River girl." Before I can go anywhere, I'm bundled up in a hug and then released just as quickly. "Let's hop in before we get a ticket."

I follow him to the driver side. He opens my door for me while I slide in. Aunt Connie and my mom are buckling up and then we are headed back to the place I'll be calling home.

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