Chapter 1: Sealed with a bracelet

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River-5 years old

"Owie, owie, owie, it hurts!", I wail. I have big tears running down my face.

"Shake it off!" Auggie shouts back.

"I dwid and it still hurts."

We were playing in the ocean, Auggie and I found something that was floating around in the water that was clear and squishy looking, I wondered what it was, so I decided that I was going to pick it up to get a closer look. When I picked it up, it moved around and scared me. I dropped it on my foot, and as it slid off, I felt a burning pain. Now I'm screaming and crying for my mom and dad. Auggie is now crying too. He does that sometimes, when I cry, like he can feel my pain. Our parents run over to see what was going on, probably thinking we were attacked by sharks since we are both crying and screaming bloody murder.

My mom runs over with my baby brother Brock on her hip and asks Auggie, "What happened?" Auggie was able to point to the squishy thing but couldn't get words out. My dad kneels to sit me on his knee to get a closer look at where it hurts.

My Aunt Connie bends over to get a closer look at what Auggie is pointing at, "Oh no! It's a jelly fish you guys!", she states starting to freak out a little bit. "Did you pick it up Riv?", I nod my head in agreement.

"I think I remember hearing the best way to relieve the pain is to have someone pee on it. Does anyone have to pee?", my Uncle Eddie responds.

"I think I've heard that too, it can't hurt to try, right?", my mom agrees. My eyes widen, "I don't want anyone to pwee on me!", I start to cry again. I now have tears and snot mixing.

The adults are silent and looking at one another. No one needs to pee. Auggie stops crying and steps closer, pulls me into a hug while I cry. My foot still hurts a lot, but now I have to let someone pee on me. If I want the pain to stop, I know what I have to do. I have to be brave like my daddy. Auggie pulls me in and whispers into my ear, "River, I can pee and make it go away if you want. I'm so sorry, I wish it was me that hurts. Is that okay?"

I nod my head and wrap my arms around him, so he doesn't go anywhere, "I'm okay with that, but I don't want anyone to see it, just me and you Auggie. No one else, kay?", I respond. Auggie leans back and looks me in the eye and nods his head in agreement. Auggie steps back and sticks his chest out and talks to our parents. "I'm going to pee on River's foot, but you all need to turn around. She doesn't want anyone to see me do it."

Our parents are concerned, but they do as they are told. They circle around us blocking us from view. "Close your eyes, Riv unless you want to see my big hot dog", he says with a smirk trying to make me laugh. As soon as my eyes are closed, I hear rustling around and then I can feel warm liquid running down my foot. I start to gag, but he continues. I hear my dad ask Uncle Eddie, "what the heck are you teaching your son, hot dog really?" My mom and Aunt Connie are laughing. When I don't feel the pee anymore, I open my eyes.

"Did the pain go away?", Auggie asks.

It still hurts, but I'm thinking about the pee on my foot. Eww!

"Honey, does it still hurt?", my dad asks repeating what Auggie just asked.

"Yes it still hurts", I answer both of their questions.

My dad picks me up and we start walking to where are towels are and he sits me down, "I knew we should have googled it."

I'm still crying a little bit. He picks up his phone and starts typing something. I hope he's googling how to make the pain stop. After seeing him read through some words he looks up as my mom and Aunt Connie walk up from where the jelly fish incident was.

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