9. Cute banter

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My mom's voice broke the peaceful embrace of sleep

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My mom's voice broke the peaceful embrace of sleep. "Aarav, beta, wake up!" I groggily opened my eyes, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Please drop me at the temple, beta. Adithya has exams; he can't accompany me," my mom pleaded. I knew where this was going.

She wanted me to visit the temple, and I don't like the idea. "You know I don't like going to temples," I replied, my irritation evident. "If this is another one of your tricks to get me there, I suggest you give up.

"What's your grudge against God, anyway?" mom yelled at me .

"Fine, I'll stay outside the temple and wait for you while you go in and offer your prayers."I have my own prayers to make, hoping that you'll stop trying to marry me off."

"Did you say something" she asked me . "No mom" i shook my head. "Give me 20 minutes.i will come down."

I grudgingly obliged, finishing my morning chores before heading to my closet to get dressed. I settled on a black suit and got ready to accompany her.

We arrived at the temple, and my mom went inside, leaving me in the car. As time passed, I received a business call, glancing at my watch. It had been 45 minutes, and my mom hadn't returned yet. Weird thoughts crossed my mind. I noticed her mobile phone on the car dashboard - she had forgotten it here.

I quickly ended the call, took her mobile, and decided to go inside the temple to find her. Little did I know that this decision would lead to a rather unexpected encounter.

I made my way into the temple, scanning the crowd for any sign of my mom. The atmosphere inside was serene, with the soft echoes of chants filling the air. I spotted her from a distance, engrossed in her prayers. She seemed completely absorbed in her own world.

Just as I was about to approach her, something unexpected happened. A young woman fell down a flight of stairs, and in the chaos that ensued, she collided with me. We tumbled down the steps together, our bodies entangled in an ungraceful descent.

As we rolled down the stairs, she ended up on top of me. I couldn't see her face initially, her hair covering it completely. Instinctively, I reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear, revealing her face.

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