4.Sweet revenge

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I left the bookstore, still upset with that unfriendly guy I met earlier, the one I jokingly called "Grumpy Ravan.(kadoos ravan)" .

My frustration grew when I saw Dheeraj enjoying an ice cream outside. I playfully tapped his head and asked, "Why didn't you join me inside, Dheeraj?" I went on to share the entire story with him, hoping for some understanding.

However, all he did was burst into laughter, which only fueled my irritation.

When we got back home, I tried to get some sleep, but it seemed like Mr. Grumpy had other plans, as he continued to dominate my thoughts.

I couldn't help but wonder why him, why couldn't someone else occupy my mind? My inner voice taunted me, urging me to accept that I was drawn to his captivating eyes.

Oh, goodness, Sayi, it's already 3 AM, and you have college tomorrow. Please, you need to get some sleep, I scolded myself.

I woke up at 6 AM in the morning and went through my usual morning routines. Since it was a Saturday, I had to accompany my mom to Lord Vishnu's temple.

Hehhe, of course, I had to butter up God a bit. I prayed for good scores, the health of my family, and, of course, that I shouldn't get chubby even if I eat lots of snacks.

Oh, and I can't forget the best part of visiting the temple - the prasadam. It tastes like heaven!I reached the temple with my mom, and to my surprise, there was a long line at the prasadam counter.

After a little wait, I managed to get prasadam for both me and my mom. While I was there, I saw an elderly lady who was about to fall because a kid accidentally pushed her. I rushed to help her, made sure she was okay, and helped her find a place to sit. I even shared some of my prasadam with her.

Later, my mom greeted the lady and asked, "Madhuri, how are you?" The lady smiled and replied, "I'm fine, Janaki. And who is this beautiful young girl?" She was looking at me with a kind smile.

I greeted the aunt with a warm "Namaste," and my mom introduced me with pride, "She's my elder daughter, Sayi." The aunt smiled at me, and with genuine happiness, she said, "Sayi, I've heard so much about you from your mother."

I couldn't resist a playful cry, and I said, "Aunty, please don't believe Mumma; she's always complaining about me to others."

We all chuckled, and the aunt joked, "Haha! No, beta, your mom praises you a lot; you guys just don't understand mothers."

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