19. The ugly mannequin

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Hello my lovely people!

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Just a tap and a click that's all it takes .

I will be sharing new chapters randomly instead of waiting for Saturdays.
Why wait if a chapter is ready?

Do follow my account for updates,if you can handle the excitement.

Author's Pov

Aarav's day started on a grumpy note. The desire to spend time with Sayi overshadowed any interest in work.

Despite being in a meeting for the past half-hour, he was completely disengaged.

His tie loosened, and he sought solace in his mobile phone. Thinking of texting Sayi, he hesitated, considering her possible busy schedule with classes.

However, his eyes betrayed him as he glanced at her profile picture, showcasing her beauty in a stunning blue suit that instantly lifted his mood.

However, his eyes betrayed him as he glanced at her profile picture, showcasing her beauty in a stunning blue suit that instantly lifted his mood

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The dress hugged her curves perfectly, adding charm to her traditional look. Aarav couldn't help but smile at the ethereal beauty he saw.

"Miss Sharma, what spell have you cast on me?" he mused. "I can't go a second without thinking of you."

The meeting room, accustomed to his bossy demeanor, witnessed a rare transformation from grumpiness to smiles.

Aarav seemed lost in thoughts, an unusual sight that intrigued everyone. They refrained from prying, fearing his potential reaction.

As Aarav was about to put his mobile aside, a notification signaled Sayi's message. He quickly opened Instagram to find a meme she shared, lightening the atmosphere.


Sayi: Sidhh, when are you treating me ice-cream?

Aarav : Whenever you are free !

Sayi :Okay.

In a moment, she went offline.

Curiosity led Aarav to explore Sayi's Instagram profile further. He observed her love for socializing through 50 posts, capturing her unique perspective in the bio: "Perfection doesn't make stories;
embarrassment does."

Scrolling through her posts, Aarav discovered her passion for food, evident in various pictures, including a tempting pasta pic.

Glimpse of Sayi's instagram

Glimpse of Sayi's instagram

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