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Jane and her mother were in the hospital before her friends arrived.

Jane got up and walked towards them.

Stephanie: what happened?

Jane: Loud was at my house, he stabbed my dad in the spine and my mom was almost .....

She began to cry with Stephanie comforting her.

Jane: why would you do that why?

James: I just thought-

Jane: thought you'd get off.

Max: it's okay, any of you would do the same thing, the thing is how to solve the problem.


Lincoln was sitting next to a water fountain eating popcorn with the group in front of him.

Max: 20000 dollars like you asked for, we'll try to get tomorrow money.

Lincoln finished his popcorn before turning to them smiling which freaked them out.

Lincoln: now what made you change your mind, but I don't care much but seeing how you rejected my kindness earlier starting tomorrow it's 25000.

They were all got anger do to the change of amount about to say something.

Max: we understand.

Lincoln: good and know I don't plan on changing the amount anymore.

Max: thank you.

Lincoln: don't turn into a suck up.


Lincoln was waiting outside a changing room before Esther walked out in a white dress looking visible embarrassed.

Esther: do I really have to wear this?

Lincoln: oh come on you look nice in it.

Esther: it's not really my style.

Lincoln: you look way cuter in this than what you normally wear.

Esther: yeah but what if someone see's me.

Lincoln: you worry too much.

Esther: yeah but-

Lincoln: but nothing, you look great I mean it.

Esther: do I look okay in this?

Lincoln: I wouldn't lie to you, and I mean it when I said you look good.

On saying those words Esther got even more embarrassed.


The whole day went with Esther getting her hair and nails along with some outfits that Lincoln thought looked cute.

Esther was waiting for Lincoln to finish doing what ever he was doing so they could leave but a duo ended up seeing the newly makeover Esther.

Alice: do you see what I'm seeing?

Susan: I see it, but I don't believe it.

Alice: maybe we're having one of those shared dreams.

Susan: then pinch me.

Alice: only if you pinch me too.

Susan: together.

They proceed to pinch each other.

Alice: we're not dreaming.

Susan: than what's going on?

Alice: maybe it's a nightmare.

Susan: but we aren't dreaming.

Alice: maybe it's her nightmare.

Susan: good call.

Lincoln returned holding a milkshake before noticing them.

Lincoln: hey, long time no see.

Alice: we saw each other just a couple days ago..

Lincoln: sorry my memory isn't too good right now.

Esther: can I go now?

Lincoln: yeah, sure what ever.

Esther walked away completely embarrassed to death.

Alice: so what're you up to.

Susan: with all we just saw.

Lincoln: they are different types of to

Alice: far point.

Lincoln: so now that makes Max, Jane, Esther, now that leaves the crybaby and the dumbasses.

Alice: remember not to do anything that would put strain you.

Lincoln: will do.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now