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I won't be able to really correct mistake so bare with me please and thank you.

Jane turned off the lights in her kitchen before heading to the living room seeing her mother in the living room.

Jane's mom: you ready to go out?

Jane: me and the rest of my friends are spending the night together.

Jane's mom: okay, be careful out there.

Jane: got it.

She turned off the lights in the living room before opening the door seeing Lincoln holding an axe.

Lincoln: lovely night to murder someone doesn't you think.

Jane slammed the door shut pressing herself behind it.

Jane's mom: is there a problem?

Jane: there's a psycho outside.

Jane's mom: what?

Lincoln was knocking on the window.

Jane: what do you want, your stupid coin landed on James!

Lincoln points at the bag on the coffee table.

Jane: my purse?

Lincoln motion for her to open it.

Jane slowly walked up to the purse opening it slowly looking through it before finding the coin.

Jane: that son of a bitch!

She looked back at Lincoln who made a off with your head motion.

Jane: what if I give the coin back.

Lincoln walked out of view giving them a false sense of relief before they heard the doorknob switching before it stopped being followed by banging on the back door.

Jane's mom: what is your relationship with this boy.

Jane: it's hard to explain but-

The power went off before Jane began to panic.

Jane: mom can I borrow 20000 dollars.

Jane's mom: what, 20000!

Jane: just listen it important, I'll pay you back some how just... Just please lend me the money I'm begging you.

Jane's father came downstairs do to all the commotion.

Jane's father: what going on I swear I paid the election bill this month.

Lincoln continue to bang on the door.

Lincoln: trick or treat!

Jane's father: a little troublemaker uh.

Jane's father headed to the door.

Jane: dad don't his dangerous!

Jane's father: I'm an adult sweetheart.

He opened the door seeing Lincoln standing there.

Lincoln: trick or treat.

Jane's father: go home boy, it's late and Halloween isn't for another 2 weeks.

Lincoln just stood there and stared at him before smiling.

Jane's father: go on or I'm calling the police.

Lincoln: go on call them.

Jane's father pulled out his phone call 911 before turning his back to Lincoln.

Jane's father eyes winded before they realized that he had been stabbed.

Jane rushed to lock the door before dumping everything in her bag to fine her phone calling 911.

Operator: 911, what's your emergency?


Operator: ma'am please try to remind calm, can you go over that again please.

Jane: there's a killer at my house and he just stabbed my dad please send help.

Operator: .....

Jane: hello, hello are you there?

Operator: I understand but I can't sent anyone?

Jane: what, why!?

Operator: look out side.

They turned seeing Lincoln on the other side with a phone in hand.

Lincoln: is there anything else I can help you with, if not have a good day ma'am. Said in the voice of the operator.

Lincoln hanged up.

Both looked in shock and disbelief.

Jane dialed again in her last bid for hope, the phone rang a bit.

Jane: pick up pick up.

Esther: hello. She sounded sleepy over the phone.

Jane: thank God, please I need your help I'm in trouble it-

Lincoln: who are you talking to? Also said in a bit of a sleepy tone.

Esther: it's Jane she-

Lincoln: it's not late, go to sleep, you can talk to her in the morning.

Esther: but-

Lincoln: give me the phone, now back to sleep.

The other end of the call hangs up making Jane drop her phone before turning to Lincoln who smiled and waved at her.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum