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Lincoln walked through the front door before being meet by his parents.

Lynn Sr: you're home oddly early.

Lincoln: yeah, I got suspended from school.

Both: suspended?!

Lincoln: for two weeks.

Rita: what for?!

Lincoln: I think they said something about a fighting or something, I forget on my way here.

Lynn Sr: you got into a fight?

Lincoln: hey Mom and Dad is their anything to eat.

Rita: food isn't the problem right now.

Lincoln: there's a problem, cause a sandwich would be nice.

Both parents stared at him in confusion before turning back.

Rita: what is wrong with him.

Lynn Sr: I'm not sure, but the school should have called about him getting suspended.

Rita: you're right about that though.

They turned to Lincoln who was lost in a family photo.

Rita: Lincoln.

Lincoln slowly turned to them with a scared look on his face.

Lincoln: when did I get here wasn't I just in school.

Lincoln looked around in destress as his parents took a couple steps away from him in worry.


Lincoln was in his room sitting up on the bed with a tired looking on his face with his parents and sister looking at him before closing the door.

Lori: he just keeps going back and forth, his okay today tomorrow is like that.

Luan: maybe need a therapy.

Luna: I don't know if that such a good idea.

Lynn Sr: Luna's right, we can't let what happened between us and Lincoln go public, our best option is to do our best for him.

Rita: your father's is right, let's just make sure Lincoln gets whatever he needs and wants.

All: got it.


Rita opened Lincoln's seeing him in the dark not changing from his position in the

Rita proceeded to walk in turning on the lights walking towards him putting a sandwich down on the night stand.

Rita: Lincoln sweetie, here's the sandwich you wanted.

Lincoln: ...............


The next day had come with Lincoln not leaving the spot with both parents noticing the sandwich not touched.

Rita: come on Lincoln you haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

Lynn Sr: or is there something in particular you want.

Lincoln: .............did... did I do something wrong.

Lynn Sr: uh.

Lincoln: did I do something wrong?

Lynn Sr: well I guess but-

Lincoln: so I did do something wrong.


The Louds family except for Lincoln were in living room.

Rita: we're at a lost.

Lori: what do you guys think.

Lisa: well for a start he has a mental illness.

All: what?

Lisa: it's might be a condition that makes someone not to know or care if they've done something wrong.

Lynn: so he as a mental illness, what'd you call it.

Lisa: I think he has a couple other disorders.

Lynn Sr: how can you tell.

Lisa: do you really need an answer to that.


Lisa along with both parents were outside Lincoln room.

Lisa: you know it's illegal to practice any form of medical sciences with out a license.

Lynn Sr: so is what we did to Lincoln but we aren't telling on ourselves.

Rita: and we aren't asking you to do any medical procedure, we just need you to check on how many other disorders he has, so we can have a better word on approaching him.

Lisa walked into the room leaving them.

Sorry for being gone like forever I had exams and was going through a lot of stuff but I'm finally done with high school and decided to take a break that's why I was gone so long but I'm back.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now