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Lincoln was alone in the backyard next to a campfire at night.

Lincoln just stared at the fire while his family watched from the house.

Jenny: hey Lincoln.

Lincoln: .......

Jenny: his it okay if I sit next to you.

Lincoln: .......

Jenny: uh Linky?

Lincoln: do what you like.

Jenny: hey Linc can we talk.

Lincoln: it's Lincoln, not Linky not Linc.

Jenny: sorry.

Lincoln: sit if you want.

Jenny: so can we talk.

Lincoln: about what?

Jenny: your family said your mad at them.

Lincoln: I have a right to be, don't I?

Jenny: but they are still your family, you can't stay mad at them forever.

Lincoln: sweet innocent Jenny.


Lincoln: if only you knew.....if only you knew.

Jenny: is this about that night, if it is I'm over it.

Lincoln: no offense but you don't get it and you won't, back in the institution you told me you were an only child.

Jenny: I remember.

Lincoln: I grew up as the only boy in my family with 10 sisters.

Jenny: it's a big family I get that.

Lincoln: do you, do you really get it.

Jenny: I don't get were you're going with this.

Lincoln: imagine you were me, the only boy in a family with ten sisters.

Jenny: okay.

Lincoln: now imagine if something just went wrong and nobody wants to get in trouble, what happens, or let's say you are always helping but you don't really get to some extent back, or having to be the tie breaker if both sides are tied 5 to 5, or being out numbered because your the only boy, it takes a toll on your metal health.

Jenny: I guess you've had it rough.

Lincoln: and I'm not really mad at anyone I just don't want to talk to anyone.

Jenny: but you're okay with talking to me?

Lincoln: I just really needed to talk to someone right now, even jerks need someone to talk some times.

Jenny: I don't think you're a jerk.

Lincoln: ........

Jenny: Lincoln.

Lincoln: yeah.

Jenny: I'm not going to say I understand what you're going through to the fullest, but I'll try to.

Lincoln: *sigh*

Jenny: I got to get going, but if you need someone to talk to just get me a call

Lincoln gives her a small smile.

Lincoln: thanks Jen.

Jenny: no problem.

The Louds were watching Lincoln and Jenny coming towards the house.

Lynn Sr: they're coming over.

Rita: act naturel-

They had already walked in.

Lori: Lincoln.

Lincoln: I'll be in the living room if anyone needs me.

Rita: okay.

Lincoln walk out of the room.

Lynn Sr: at least we're getting somewhere.

Jenny: I'll be taking my leave.

Luna: thanks for the help.

Jenny: no problem.

Lori: hey, sorry about last time.

Jenny: it's fine, I better get going.

Lincoln was in the living room he had grabbed the remote before Jenny and his family walked in.

Jenny: bye Lincoln.

Lincoln: bye.

Jenny walked out the door.

Lynn Sr: it's been a long night, why don't we all head to bed.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of Crimeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें