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Lincoln was in a garden of red flowers walking around before coming across Linc tending to some flowers.

Linc: took you long enough.

Lincoln: yeah sorry but I think I woke up or something I-

Linc: doesn't matter.

Lincoln: then-

Linc: it's time to switch with me.

Lincoln: it's a bit early don't you think, you cut Linky off last time so-

Linc: I know, but you know why I want to take over.

Lincoln put his hand down.

Linc: you know this was coming.

Lincoln: can't we just let it go.

Linc: they tried to kill us.

Lincoln: but-

Linc: sooner or later they will know we are alive and they will run.

Lincoln: what the time of the switch?

Linc: Linky take over for about 10 hours to 2 days, I take over for about 3 day to 8, you take the rest of that the switch happen randomly but I'm leaning how to switch.

Lincoln: really?

Linc: kinda, I can give you control but I can't take it willingly.

Lincoln: fine, but what about Linky?

Linc: his in his part of the mind, you know the one you said I should give him.

Lincoln: can I check on him?

Linc: if you can fine it.

Lincoln: but the switch.

Linc: just give me 10 day and I'll give them hell and be back.

Lincoln: just don't kill them at once.

Linc: that was never the plan.

Both shake hands.


Lincoln woke up in his room before smiling to himself.


Stephanie opened her locker before finding a note that said I'm back written in red.

She grabbed the latter before a hand was put on her shoulder making her drop her books before turning seeing her friends.

Jane: we're thinking you got one too.


Douglas was keeping a look out before entering the janitor closet.

Douglas: okay we're clear.

Kevin: I thought your brother took care of him.

Stephanie: he did we all saw the proof.

James: then what now.

Jane: what do all your notes say.

Stephanie: I'm back.

James: so it's all short

Jane: ever one give it here I'm good with puzzles.

She collected all the letters before putting trying to put it together.

James: you done yet?

Jane: not yet.

James: I thought you said you were good with puzzles.

Jane: would you all shut up and let me do my thing, God.......I'm done.

Stephanie: I'm back.

Kevin: let's play again.

James: this time, no cheating.

Douglas: or I might hurt the cheater.

Jane: starting with the one who hurt me first.

Stephanie: Max.


The group rushed to Stephanie house rushing in seeing Esther sitting on the couch holding a glass of orange juice.

Esther: took you guys long enough-

Stephanie: where is Max!?

Esther: he and some of his friends said something about a party then-

Jane: where!?

Esther: he didn't say, but why are you guys so-

All: Loud is back.

Esther drop the glass.


They had been able to reach Max but his location was far and before they were able to get a hold of him.


Lincoln was sitting next to a lake cover in blood with a body next to him.

Lincoln smiled before looking annoyed before turning.

Lincoln: I know you're there, so just come out and save both of us the trouble.

Lincoln turned back to bushes before Esther came out of hiding walking towards him.

Lincoln: you actually came out.

Esther: can I sit?

Lincoln: sure.

Esther: is he......

Lincoln: his alive.

Esther: I noticed you didn't attack me before.

Lincoln: is that it because I could kill you here.

Esther: no that's not it, I'm.... I'm-

Lincoln: I know that why I did it, you have good genes.

Esther: is that it.

Lincoln: you're a tough girl you always made that clear, and I thought you didn't like me.

Esther: well I guess I didn't.

Lincoln: so you like me now, what happened to the tough girl act, or have I humbled you.

Esther: .......

Lincoln: don't worry about it I'm just messing with you, from now on I'll take care of you and look after you but that doesn't mean I'll take it easy on these friends of yours.

Esther: I-

Lincoln: last time you were scared and but this time I promise you'll like, sorry about the blood.

Esther: it-it's fine.

Lincoln kissed Esther before pushing her to the ground.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now