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Lincoln and Sindy arrived at Sindy's place, it was a big and nice looking house.

Lincoln: nice place.

Sindy: thanks.

Lincoln: well good night.

Sindy: are you really going home, it's passed cerfew, why don't you stay the night.

Lincoln: I don't want to bother you.

Sindy: it's okay, my parents are hardly ever home, so it's fine.

Lincoln: okay, thanks.


Lincoln woke up before Sindy walked in the room.

Sindy: morning.

Lincoln: morning, thanks for letting me stay the night.

Sindy: it's okay, you want some breakfast before you go.

Lincoln: sure.


Lincoln arrived home walking through the front door before seeing Lynn.

Lynn: ugh it's you, here I was thinking that serial killer get your dumb ass.

Lincoln: maybe not time.

Lynn: just got out of my way.

Lynn walked through the door.

Lincoln: soon enough.


Sindy was texting Lincoln waiting for a reply.

What you doing?

Not much

Where are you?

At home, I would be here even without the cerfew

Okay, well good night.

Good night

Lincoln was in an alley way staring at his phone with a smile.

He was in a white hoodie with orange sleeve holding a bloody steel pipe next to a man with a pool of blood around his head.

He noticed the a stain on it.

Lincoln: oh man, I just got this thing, guess I got to get a new one.

Lincoln sighed softly.

Lincoln: I better start heading home, this is starting to get boring.


Lincoln wanted to go out but couldn't find his hoodie.

Lori: looking for this?

Lincoln: that mine.

Lincoln was going to swipe it form her but she moved it away from him.

Lori: how'd you get it.

Lincoln: none of your business.

Lincoln grabbed it form her before walking out while putting it on.

Lori stared at Lincoln as he out the house.


Lincoln came to get his laundry, before finding his hoodie ruined.

Lincoln: to be honest I don't care.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora