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It was close to midnight with a teenage girl looking a bit hurt carrying her injured friend through the woods on her back before she tripped.

: Ugh my leg.

The girl had fair skin long brown hair and green eyes.

She noticed her friend laying idol on the ground.

: Oh no Elsa.

She tried to get up before falling holding onto her leg.

: Carp, just hold on I'll go get help.

She did her best to get up limping her way through the woods before noticing a red light up ahead.

: Hey, over here, my friend needs help!

The light got closer before she noticed Lincoln.

:'re just a kid.

Lincoln walked passed her.

: Hey kid wait do you have a phone.

Lincoln just keep walking before arriving at her friend.

: As you can see my friend's hurt bad, so do you have a phone or not.

Lincoln takes off his mask showing his face.

Lincoln: I do, but it won't be any help.

: wait you're that kid, the one who stabbed someone.

Lincoln: I came for her.

: what, stay away from her you psycho.

Lincoln: do you really think I'm crazy.

: Yes you are.

Lincoln: you really think so, I'm crazy, so I just walked all the way here for nothing, so some stranger can call me crazy, so please tell me, Annabelle, I'm I crazy.

Anna: How do you know my name?

Lincoln: that isn't the question Anny, I'm I crazy.

Anna: I...I don't know, I'm not just going to let you do anything to her.

Lincoln: you know you're wasting your time, she's not going to make it.

Anna: I don't want to lose her.

Lincoln: I can save her, but I won't.

Anna: What?

Lincoln: you heard me correctly.

Anna: If you can help her please do.

Lincoln: I will be you have to do something for me.

Anna: Anything!

Lincoln: ***** ** ****.

Anna: What, no way, you're just a kid.

Lincoln: looks like she's having difficulty breathing.

Elsa began to gasp for air.

Anna: Oh no Elsa, please.

Lincoln: it won't be all bad you'll collapse before you make it out of here, the two of you could probably still be friends in the afterlife, then maybe you two can build a snowman.

Lincoln began to walk away chuckling as began to gasp harder.

Anna: Wait, I'll do it.


Elsa slowly woke up in the hospital with Anne next to her.

Elsa: *ugh* what happened?

Anna: It's a long story, I'm just glad you're okay.

The doctor walked in seeing try to sit up straight.

Doctor: wow let's not do that, you're not steady yet, you're even lucky to be alive, you owe you're life to your friend here, we don't know what she did but what ever it was it keep you alive.

Elsa: You saved me.

Anna: It wasn't anything, you would do the same for me.


Anna was holding Elsa shaking her.

Anna: Elsa, Elsa, She not breathing.

Lincoln walked up to her before injecting something into her neck before she took a deep breath.

Anna: She's alive.

Lincoln injected Anna as well before he began to walk away.

Anna: Hey wait, what's your name?

Lincoln stopped before turning back.

Lincoln: I'm Lincoln Loud, and I'm the biggest asshole you'll ever meet.


Lincoln was in a shed in the middle of the woods with a bloody axe in front of a table with a dismembered body on it with a serious but psychotic look on his face.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now