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Lincoln walk out of Jenny's school with her and her friends turning before waving while walking off.

The bully group were looking on from a distance.

Esther: here really.

Kevin: well I wouldn't mind making a little trouble at our old school.

Douglas: so it's agreed while Max take Loud we take of those losers then Loud's little friends.

Jane: so when do we-

Stephanie: tomorrow.

Jane: why tomorrow, we don't even know if he'll be here.

Michael: he will.

Kevin: how do you know?

Stephanie: his right, I just know he will be, let's go tell Max.


Lincoln, Johnny and Veteran arrived outside of Jenny's school holding burger bags and sodas.

Veteran: so Linc, how have you been?

Lincoln: I'm doing okay, I guess I haven't lost it yet.

Jenny and her friends arrived before they noticed Lincoln and the others.

Lincoln: hey you ready, I brought them along hope that's cool.

Jenny: I guess it's okay.

Johnny: you don't seem excited to see us.

Jenny: not really, I thought it was just going to be me and Lincoln.

Veteran: too bad you two love birds can have some alone time later, come on the forecast said it could rain later.

Lincoln: here, I got you a drink we can pick something up for you on our way.

Jenny: alright see you two tomorrow, bye.

They all turned to leave before someone call out to Lincoln making them turn see the bully group and Stephanie brother.

Max: which one of you shit faces is Loud.

Lincoln: it depends on who the ass plug asking is.

Max: I don't think you knew who I am.

Lincoln: it depends are you famous or something.

Jenny: Lincoln I don't think you should talk to him especially like that.

Lincoln: why not, he started the conversation.

Jenny: this guy is dangerous, his even beaten up veteran and you learned how to fight from him.

Lincoln: wait is this guy giving you trouble?

Jenny: not the point now.

Veteran: let's just go before this get ugly.

Lincoln: you mean it can get worst than that, is hair cut is pretty bad.

Veteran: dude let's go.

Lincoln: fine.

Max: not until I'm done with all of you.

Lincoln: listen what's your name again, yeah I'm oh call you Chuck, and I'm not interested in what you're selling okay.

Max: so you're the brat who's been bugging my sister.

Lincoln: you're sister?

Lincoln thought for a second before stopping to hold his head.

Lincoln: nop, you'll have to be more specific I bug a lot of people even my family, so you'll have to be more specific, trying to think is making my head hurt.

He noticed the group behind him.

Lincoln: you mean the losers, yeah I beat them up which ones yours, wait let me guess the cry baby who can't swim.

Max walked up to Lincoln who didn't seem to care as he noticed his friends walking back while he just drank his drink.

Max: I'm-

Lincoln: are you really going to beat up kid, it's not like they didn't have it coming so just let it go, and I'm sure you've messed with a lot of other people siblings before.

Max: I'm tired of hearing you talk, and you've wasted the time you should have used to beg.

He tried punching Lincoln but Lincoln grabbed his hand before anybody could react.

Lincoln: nop.

Max: what!?

Lincoln: if anyone's tired of hearing someone talk it's me, I barely even know you matter of fact I don't even know you and you just show up probably ruin my chance to make a move and you try to punch me, not cool Chuck.

Lincoln let's go of his hand before he tried to punch Lincoln again with Lincoln moving his head out of the way.

Lincoln: come on dude didn't you hear what I said.

He tried punching Lincoln again but he moved back before he came at with a barrage of punches that Lincoln dodged with ease before he tried a low kick which Lincoln jumped to avoid before learning back a bit while drank his drink before Max landing a successful leg swip making Lincoln fall back but he stayed in the air a bit landing like a leaf before hitting the ground with Max trying to stomp on him before he rolled to the side just focusing on his drink before rolling to the other side to avoid another stomp.

Alice: his really focus on the drink.

Lincoln got up with Max throwing another punch but it hit Lincoln's cup knocking it out of his hand spilling on the ground.

Lincoln turned his head looking at the thick red liquid and ice cubes on floor before turning back to Max who punch him on the side of the face.

Lincoln held on the his cheek before slowly turning over to Max with his eyes on red.

Max tried to punch Lincoln again but Lincoln grabbed his hand and flipped him and the ground and started to beat the living shit out of Max.

The first two punches from Lincoln already knocked out two teeth with the third breaking his nose and the rest turning his face into a bloody mess.

At this point people had started to filming the whole ordeal with Lincoln beating up Max.

Lincoln hand was stained with his blood at this point he would need a hospital.

Lincoln: you think you're tough uh, this is what I do to tough guys.

If Lincoln was left to keep going at this rate he would kill with out think much of it, Stephanie was the first to try to intervene and paid the price of it.


The rest of the bully group had all been beaten bloody but non had it bad as Stephanie's brother who was getting his head smashed into his car door.

The rain began to start before Jenny went to pull Lincoln off.

Jenny: Lincoln that enough, the rains starting come on let's go.

Lincoln: shit face, read tough guy his rights.

Douglas: uh?

Lincoln cracked his fists.

Douglas: he doesn't want to see us around her, doesn't want her worried, shit if she even over thinks we're fucked.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now