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Lincoln was walking through the school hallway before meeting Clyde.

Lincoln: hey Clyde.

Clyde: hey Lincoln, did you see the news yesterday.

Lincoln: not really my parents had the TV, why?

Clyde: some people got murdered.

Lincoln: I see, too bad.

Clyde: I-

Lincoln: I gotta use the bathroom, I'll talk to you later.

Clyde: uh okay.

Lincoln proceeded to walk away leaving Clyde.


Lincoln walked out the bathroom before meeting the bullies.

Anderson: Hey nerd, no costume today.

Lincoln: I think I left it with your mom.

Anderson: That's it I'm.

Lincoln: going to punch me, kick me, beat me up, which one?

Anderson: Here is comes.

He was going to punch Lincoln before Lincoln sliced his fist.

Anderson: Ahh, shit.

Lincoln walked away while his friends tried to help him.

Anderson: I'll get you Loud!

Lincoln: I'll believe it when I see it.


Lincoln walk into the principal office where Anderson was waiting.

Lincoln: you wanted to see me.

Principal: take a sit.

Lincoln proceeded to do so.

Principal: I'll get to the point, Anderson said you cut him with a knife.

Lincoln: (two options, tell the truth or lie, what ever I'll say the truth)

Principal: can you tell me what happened.

Lincoln: he wanted to fight me.

Principal: why is that.

Lincoln: I don't know, wouldn't be the first time he beat me up, I cut him by mistake with a piece of metal I found in the bathroom.

Principal: I see you can go.

Anderson: What, his lie, he had a knife.

Principal: that's enough.

Anderson: Are you really going to take his word over mine.

Principal: his the good student and basically never gets in trouble on like you.

Lincoln walk out of the office with Anderson behind him.

Lincoln: you really told on me, you really are a mama's boy.

Anderson: This isn't over Loud.

Lincoln: what ever.

Lincoln laughing slightly as he walked away.


News reporter: 3 woman and a male possible in his twenties found dead, police say the women were sex workers.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ