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Lincoln wake up in his room holding on to his head before walking out heading to the living room seeing his family watching the news.

Reporter: As a total of 12 bodies turning up, one of which having a note attached to it which was addressed to Detective Jason Brown.


Lori was in the dinning room with her friends before their was a knock at the door.

Luan: I'll get it!

Becky: so back to the-

Luan: Lincoln it's for you, it's your friend from the institution!

Luan let Jenny into the house before Lori and her friends walked into the living room.

Lori: it's you.

Jenny: hello.

Lori: we couldn't really get the chance to thank you for bringing Lincoln home the other day.

Jenny: that's okay I came to check on Lincoln or Linky, I heard about the whole thing with the rapist, I wanted to know if he was okay.

Lori: I'm glad you can to check on him, I'm Lori, Lincoln's older sister.

Jenny: Jenny.

Becky: Becky, this is Carol and Dana, now that we all know each other, so what's your thoughts on Lincoln.

Jenny: his okay.

Lynn Sr: dinner's ready.

Lori: why don't you stay.

Jenny: I-

Lori: please we insist.

Jenny: maybe I can stay a little.

Lynn Sr: kids dinner!

Lori: dad this is Lincoln's friend, Jenny, I told her she could stay for dinner, hope that's okay.

Lynn Sr: of course.

They all sit at the dinner table.

Becky: so Jenny do you have a boyfriend?

The question made Jenny almost choke on the food she barely touched before Lori handed her water.

Lori: sorry about her.

Lana: Lincoln?

Lincoln arrived at the dinner table with his shirt on his shoulder.

Lincoln body figure get them off guard with his body being muscular do to the bodies he had been carrying to the open and he had been working out.

Lincoln put on his shirt before sitting next to Jenny.

Jenny: Lincoln, I see you've been working out.

Carol: so Lincoln, are you trying get in shape or trying to impress someone.

Lori: I think you guys have asked enough questions.

Becky: fine but I ask one more thing.

Jenny: if it's the last thing, then okay.

Becky: did you and Lincoln do it?

Jenny began to choke as the rest of them were a bit shocked at the question.

Lincoln handed her some water before she got up.

Jenny: I need to go.

She rushed out of the house leaving the table quitely before Lincoln got up and walked to his room slamming the door.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now