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Jason Brown was in his office going over suspect before a lady walked into the office.

Lady: sir.

Jason: I'm busy.

Lady: I knew, but it's important one of the girls they said their willing to help us identity the killer.

Jason: what's the catch, they were too scared to talk before.

Lady: there was a mixup at the hospital one of the girls went into shock, she didn't make it apparently she was close to the one who didn't make it, she blames the killer said if it wasn't for him her friend would still be alive.

Jason: I see, would be a lot help since we lost agent Winters.

Lady: I still can't believe that the sicko sent her head as a birthday present.

Jason: let's put that aside, how long till they get here.

Lady: should be at least 40 minutes or so.

Jason: I see, in the meantime can I get a cup of coffee.


A black car was driving through the road with a girl probably around the age of 13 to 14 in the backseat sitting quietly.

Driver: you okay back there?

Girl: ....

Driver: shouldn't be long now, we should be there soon.

Girl: .......

Driver: you know you could at least try to say something, I'm trying to be nice here.

Girl: sorry.

Driver: ... it's fine I know you've been through a lot, what your name kid?

Girl: Mabel.

Driver: Mabel that's nice, I'm Michael.

Mabel: .....

Michael: you know you're giving us a big help here, if this turns out well this wannabe Jack the ripper will be behind bars before you know it.

Mabel: .......his not an adult.

Michael: uh?

Mabel: his not an adult.

Michael: so male and not mature, like how old are we talking here.

Mabel: his-

Headlights were seen heading for them with a couple loud honks being followed.

Michael: what the hell is that asshole driving, they're on the wrong lane.

The other car rammed in the car before Michael could react with Michael hitting his head on the dashboard.

Michael: fuck my head, kid you okay!?

Mabel: yeah, I'm fine.

Michael: hold on I give this guy a piece of my mind.

Michael opened the door getting one leg out before.

Mabel: look out!

Another car was coming from the other direction in high speed ramming the car sending it off the road making it tumble before coming topside.

Mabel: Michael?

Michael was unconcerned bleeding more serious than before.

Mabel attention was gotten from the window being kicked opened with the person putting their hand into the car opening it with Mabel undoing her seatbelt corraling out.

Mabel: what about him?

Lincoln: don't worry he'll be fine they'll come for him later, I came all the way for you.

On noticing Lincoln Mabel who was trying to get up went back to the ground just missing a swing from a steel pipe.

Mabel got up making a run for it but Lincoln giving a small smile before counting to 12.

Lincoln: you can still run, I'm impressed but let see how far you go number 12.


Mabel was running looking back before stopping to catch her breath.

Lincoln: you got far I'm really impressed.

Mabel turned before getting hit in the knee letting out a scream of pain.

Lincoln: but not fast enough, now what role did you play again, was it right wing?

Lincoln hit her in the right shoulder.

Lincoln: or was is left.

He hit her in the left shoulder.

Lincoln: was it center back.

He hit her on the back before the right knee.

Lincoln: right back, no don't tell me it's on the type of my pipe.

Stranger: what going on over there?

Lincoln: nothing we're just playing.

Mabel: help!

Stranger: what do you mean playing she hurt.

The old man pull out his phone before Lincoln hit his hand before hitting him straight in the forehead.

Lincoln: now I remember center forward right.

Mabel: please..... let me go.

Lincoln: I remember already letting you and all your friends go, I heard what happened to 52 and I sorry for that I really am, but you couldn't be a good little girl and keep your mouth shut.

Mabel: please I-i promise I won't say anything just please let me go, I-i just want to go home!

Lincoln: you promise?

Lincoln asked doing a bit of a baby voice.

Mabel: yes.

Lincoln: really?

Mabel: pinky promise and cross my heart, I swear I won't say anything.

Lincoln: I know you won't....
because I'll make sure of it, and look on the bright side you'll see 52 again, isn't that great.

Lincoln laughed out as Mabel cried trying to crawl away making Lincoln laugh more.


Later that night Mabel was found nailed on a tree her stomach cut open with her organs revealed.

The worst part of it was she was still alive well barely the sight was so revolting two people throw up.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now