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The Loud siblings were all in the van with Rita on the driver sit parked at a red light before another car hit then from behind.

Before Rita could react Lincoln had already gotten down.

Driver: hey lady what's your fucking problem!

Lincoln kicked the guy in the stomach before beating him to a bloody mess before getting back in the car.


Lincoln was sitting by himself as his friends looked at him from a different table.

Lincoln was on his phone going through photos before Esther arrived.

Esther: Loud you're at our table, move!

Lincoln just keep going through his photos.

Esther: did you hear me!

Duncan: you got a problem or something.

Lincoln stopped on the photo with him and Jenny.

Esther: I know that loser, just some dumb, ugly, stupid-

Before she could finish the sentence Lincoln punch her in the face making her hold her bleeding nose.

Esther: you broke my fucking nose!

Lincoln punched her again before punching her repeatedly with his hands being stained.


Lincoln was by the lake beating up Esther and her friends before turning his attention to Stephanie who got in the lake going closer to the deep end as Lincoln got closer.

Lincoln took off his shirt tying a red headband holding a survival knife with his teeth getting in going towards her as she tried to get away before she started dawning.


Stephanie open her eyes coughing up water before noticing Lincoln who began to beat her bloody.


Later that day there was a loud bang on the Louds door shocking them.

Rita opened the front door seeing a anger looking man and woman along with Stephanie and her older brother.

Rita: can I help you?

Woman: look what your barbaric son did to our daughter!

Rita: my son, are you sure you have the right place.

Man: we're sure!

Stephanie: let's just go.

Brother: quite Stephanie.

Stephanie: but Max-

Woman: listen to your brother.

Lynn Sr: come in so we don't bother the neighbors.

Man: were is that son of your who thinks it's okay to put his hands on my daughter.

Rita: Lincoln can you come in here.

They opened Lincoln's room see him sitting on the floor paying attention to the metronome.

Rita: Lincoln.

Lincoln turned to her.

Rita: can you come out for a moment.

Rita return with Lincoln to the living room.

Max: what is this lady, were is your oldest son.

Lynn Sr: this is our only son.

Rita: Lincoln did you do this?

Lincoln nods before walking away.

Stephanie: what he did do it, I swear.

Man: that's enough of your nonsense, go wait in the car.

Stephanie: but-

Man: now!

Woman: we sincerely apologise for the misunderstanding.

Lynn Sr: that's okay.

They leave the house before the Louds headed to Lincoln's room finding his sitting in a corner.

Rita: Lincoln.

Lincoln turned back slowly.

Rita: Lincoln did you beat up that girl, you can tell us.

Lynn Sr: you won't get in trouble.

Lincoln shakes his head.

Lori: did Linky do it?

Lincoln shakes his head again.

Luna: did any of you do it?

Lincoln nods.

Luan: who did it?

Lincoln just stared at them.

Lori: are you Lincoln?

He shakes his head.

Rita: Linky?

He shakes again.

Luna: who are you.

He shakes his head.

Luan: can we talk to Lincoln?

He pulled out his phone typing something before sending it.

Lori: sorry Lincoln's not here right now and he doesn't want to talk to you anyways.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum