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Lori and Luna returned back to the living room.

Lori: okay we pit him to sleep.

Susan: you sure?

Both look at each other before heading back to the room.


Lincoln:as far as I keep fighting I'm not going to fall asleep that easy, my will power is stronger than you think.

Lori: and my role as your older sister is stronger than your will now go to sleep!


Luna: okay his asleep.

Susan: not buyable.


Jenny was whispering in Lincoln's ear.

Jenny: hey Lincoln you awake I'm bored.

Lincoln: yeah I-

Lincoln was met with anger stares on sitting up straight.

Jenny: sorry.


Lincoln was sleeping on his bed with all looking at him.

Luan: you think his asleep.

Luna: maybe.

Lynn: how do we make sure.

Alley: I have an idea.

Dana: you do.

Susan: I think I know what you're thinking.

Both smiled before turning to Jenny.

Jenny: what?

Lincoln stayed quiet in bed not moving.

Jenny: what are you guys doing?!

Alley: hold still.

Jenny: hey let go my underwear!

Lincoln open an eye trying to get a peek before closing it.

Luna: sorry bro but you busted.

Susan: dude just go to sleep.

Lincoln sat up straight looking tired and half asleep.

Lincoln: fine but answer me one question first?

Susan: what?

Lincoln: what color were they?

Alley: red.

Jenny: don't tell him!

Lincoln: thanks, now I can die a happy man.

He laid on his back before dosing off.


All were in the living room with the clock close to 10:30.

Paula: you think Lincoln asleep?

Lynn: hope so.

Luna: you wanna go check.

Luan: who knew putting Linc to sleep would be so tiring, get it.

Leni: it's not that the pills don't work, the problem is the amount we give him isn't strong enough to put him to sleep.

Lori: Leni, how do you know that?

Leni: Linky told me a couple days ago.

Luna: and what time was that?

Leni: about 2 in the morning when I went to use the bathroom.


The Loud sisters went into Lincoln's room all a bit anger and Lori holding his sleeping pills.

Lori: alright, no more tricks you're going to sleep.

Lincoln was sleeping on his right side not responding.

Lori: quite pretending.

Leni: his asleep.

Lori: uh?

Luan: how can you tell?

Leni: you can see his not comfortable that's cause the side his sleeping on is where he had broken ribs, it hurts so he try's to avoid any contact with it, see.

Leni went over touching the ribs which Lincoln reacted to she kept touch it before they stopped her.

Luna: that enough I think you're hurting him.

Lori: let's move him over and let him sleep.


The time was almost 11 pm with all looking like they were ready to go to sleep after their short interactions before Leni return with popcorn.

Lynn: what's with the popcorn?

Leni: it's for Lincoln.

Luan: I thought he was asleep.

Leni: he is.

Luna: so who's going to eat it?

Leni: me.

Lori: then why did you say it was for Lincoln?

Leni: I eat it while I watch Lincoln, he usually starts acting up by this time.

Becky: what do you mean act up?

Leni: it's like a scary movie without any of the scary parts.


They were all in Lincoln room watching him mumble in his sleep.

Margo: what's happening to him?

Lynn: no idea.

Paula: those this happen a lot?

Leni: not really, I think it started around the time he got out of the hospital.

Luna and Lori return with Lisa and their parents.

Lisa: his having night terrors, he would be in panic if he was to be awake do to seeing things that aren't there.

Luna: so do we wake in up?

Lisa: no body wake him.

Lynn: what happens if he does?

Lisa: he could and will attack us.

Lori: so is a way to help him?

Lisa: the best we can do is leave him be and hope his not too beat up in the morning.

Luan: okay nobody bother him and let's go.

They all turn seeing Leni close to Lincoln.

Leni: I think he's trying to say something -

Luna: don't get to close.

On pulling Leni back she dropped the popcorn with the bowl landing on Lincoln's head.

Leni: woops.

Lincoln opened his eyes slowly getting up.

Leni: oh no.

Lori: oh no?

Rita: oh no?

Lynn Sr: oh no?

Lynn: oh no?

Becky: I'm guessing there is a problem.

Carol: when as oh no every been good.

Leni: no body move.

Dana: why is that?

Leni: this Lincoln's dangerous, so now we wait for a good time to leave till then we stay very stiff.

Alley: and if we move?

Jenny: you get your face smashed in, in under a minute.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of Crimeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें