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Lincoln got up looking around noticing his surrounding area noticing it was a dark box.

He looked up seeing someone sitting on the ground reading a comic book Lincoln couldn't make out the person all except one feature the person had white hair.

Lincoln took a couple steps before the person turned revealing it was himself.

???: You're awake, I know you're confused but I'm you well a personality of yours, I'm Linky.

Lincoln: well I guess it's nice to meet you Linky, so what all this about.

Linky: I can't really talk much since your about to wake up, but he wasn't to talk to you.

Lincoln: who's he?

Linky: I can't talk much but.

Linky looked around in a bit of a panic.

Linky: don't ever say yes to him or you'll never come back.

Linky said the last part as if he was worried about something.

Lincoln was able to say something before the ground opened up with Lincoln falling through the ground.


Lincoln woke up with his hands tied up in the air.

???: I see you finally woke up, I was beginning to think they killed you but you're still alive.

Lincoln noticed the man sitting in front of him the man had black hair and eyes he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and black suit vest.

Lincoln: ugh my head. said trying to touch his head.

???: I had my thought about taking this job seeing you are just a child but after my investigation I'd say you've done quit a lot, haven't you ace.

Lincoln: hey mister are we underground or something?

???: I don't think you understand where you are.

Lincoln: by the look of it a torture room.

???: You seem like you catch up fast, I was told not to kill you immediately but to make you suffer for as much as possible and see how many times you can expect death before you die.

Lincoln: hey can I get some water?

???: Oh don't worry you'll get something.

The man clapped his hands before a teenage boy push in a cart full of different tools.

???: Now were should I start.


The Loud family returned home after home after going to make a report on Lincoln disappearens.

Lola: do you think we should have told the police sooner.

Lynn Sr: well yeah but we had to make sure if he was really missing.

Lana: but it's been a week.

Lisa: 6 day 23 hour 21 minutes 42 second and counting.

Luan: let's just hope they find him soon.

Luna: by the way as anyone seen Leni?

Lori: I think she went to the mall or something.

Leni: I'm right here and I have a guest over.

They all turned to see Leni sitting on the couch with Jenny.

Jenny: hello.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now