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Sorry for the wait but I think I'm doing good on my part before when I update I post more than one chapter, so enjoy.

Lincoln was in the police station with his parents and Esther family.

Esther: we're telling you he did it.

Officer: it's just hard to believe.

Esther's sister: he did it, I was there.

Officer 2: and you didn't do anything to stop it.

Esther's sister: I tried but he wouldn't move no matter what I did.

Esther: his flipping crazy, he was laughing like a fucking psychopath while doing it.

Officer: we're sorry but we find it strange and hard to believe that a 15 year old got raped by a 12.

Esther's sister: but I'm a witness to it.

Officer 2: listen we know he as a thing for following people but we never really got a case of him attacking people talk less of what you're saying heck the only reason we found him was because dogs keep barking.

Officer: we also noticed that he as a lot of sister.

Esther's sister: what are you trying to say?

Officer 2: maybe one of his sisters stole her boyfriend and she's trying to get back at them and got you involved.

Esther: but-

Officer: listen his family said he as an alibi and you have no proof, this whole thing was good for a laugh so we'll just let you off with a warning.


The Loud family arrived home with all turning their attention to Lincoln.

Rita: Lincoln sweetie is there something you want to tell us?

Lincoln didn't answer heading towards the kitchen opening the fridge pulling out some leftover chicken microwaving it before heading to the table.

Lincoln: so what's for lunch?

Lynn Sr: uh whatever you want it to be.

Lincoln: that's odd but okay, how about something with pork.

Lynn Sr: sure, I'll go buy some pork.

Rita: so Lincoln about that girl-

Lincoln: girl, what girl?

Luna: the girl back at the station.

Lincoln: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Luan: we were just at the station.

Lincoln: you were, why?

Lori: because of that girl.

Lincoln: what girl?

Leni: the one the police said you raped.

Lincoln: what, I was home all day today up till when you guys got back.

Rita: what about yesterday?

Lincoln: I was with a friend.

Rita: can we get that friends name so we can confirm your story.

Lincoln: what, are you saying you guys don't believe me.


Rita was on the phone as the rest of the girls waited.

Rita: yes, okay, thank you.

Rita hanged up.

Lori: well.

Rita: the story check out, he said Lincoln was their up until 7:30.

Lori: what about before then?

Rita: their daughter said Lincoln showed up at her school around 3:30.

Luna: so he left school before it ended.

Luan: and the girl said it happened around 4:13 because she was held up because of the rain.

Lynn: so Lincoln didn't do it-

All turned to the door that was just slammed shut.

Lucy: he got really mad.

They all jumped do to Lucy being behind them.

Lynn: don't do that!

Lucy: sorry.

Lola: I know Lincoln didn't do it, she didn't have any bruises on her.

Lucy: Lola, she was raped not beaten.

Lola: what the difference?

Lucy turned to her mother and elder siblings.

Lucy: my vampire and demon books already gave me the idea so I'll let you guys handle this.

Lola: well what does rape mean then?

Lucy walked away before the rest of them followed walking in different directions.

Lola: hey, what does rape mean?!

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now