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Sorry I haven't been publishing my phone is broken and I don't have another, I used a friend's phone to publish this so I don't know if I'll be publishing for a while.

It was raining outside before Esther opened the door for her friends.

Esther: you guys made it.

Jane: yeah, we came to check up on you.

Esther: I'll see if their any towels somewhere.

Kevin: cool.

She walked away leaving them alone.

Lincoln: it's really coming down.

Stephanie: yea........ Loud!

Lincoln: hey long time no see, I haven't seen you since I put your brother in the hospital, how is he by the way?

Esther returned with a couple towels.

Jane: Loud's here!

Esther: I thought I told you to stay in the room.

Lincoln: I got thirsty.

Esther: fine, but I don't want any trouble.

Lincoln: I'll behave, I promise.


The group were sitting across Lincoln before Esther returned handing him a glass of orange juice.

Lincoln: thanks.

Esther sat beside Lincoln which was eating up the group.

Jane: dude, what is even going on!?

Esther: see... I this is hard to explain.

Stephanie: then make it easy.

Esther: just see it as me and Loud had an...agreement.

Kevin: what type of agreement?

Lincoln: it's not important, you all just need to know that she's under my care whether she wants it or not.

Jane: so you're bothering her.

Lincoln: bother is such a strong word see it more as -

Stephanie: see it as what ever you want, she doesn't want you here!

Lincoln: who said you could raise your voice at me, you know I'm not like the other me I can be a lot more dangerous and how should I put this PSYCHOTIC.

Lincoln puts pressure on to the glass he was holding making it break in his hand.


Jane: wh-what happened to behaving.

Lincoln turned to Esther who looked worried.

Lincoln: you five meet me at the park tomorrow by 2:30 if any of you show up a minute late I'll kill them, got it and that brother of your better show.

Lincoln got up and cleaned up the glass before heading to the door.

Lincoln: sorry for the trouble.


The group were at the park waiting.

Max: time is it?

Jane: it's 2:29.

Douglas: when does he get here?

Lincoln: you made it, now let's get to business.

Max: listen-

Lincoln: you aren't in the spot to talk to me.

Max: and if I do?

Lincoln snapped his fingers before the weather started to change.

Lincoln: you still wanna think you're hot shit.

Jane: okay we're listening.

Lincoln: you have to pay me 20000 dollars for my wasted time and pain everyday starting tomorrow until I say we're cool.

All: what!?

Lincoln: you heard me.

Stephanie: you've got to be out of your mind to think we'll-

Jane: what's this court.

Lincoln: you know it was all fun and games, I never really hurt anyone of you well nothing a couple bandages couldn't fix.

Lincoln smiled a bit.

Lincoln: it was nice, just fun and games well it was.... until you all try to kill me, you know you shouldn't try to kill someone you can never intended to kill not even if you tried.

Stephanie: we're sorry-

Lincoln: sorry, sorry won't give me back the month I lost, sorry won't heal my wounds, sorry won't get the media off my back, but sorry will give all of you a nice trip to the hospital over and over and over up until you all die... starting with.

He throw a coin into the air that attached to James belt.

Lincoln: we have a winner.

He gets up walking away before it started to rain.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now