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Hey guys sorry about the lack of publishing I had some serious medical issue, I didn't even get fully better before I was told I had to study and take the last ever exam in high school but I think I'm talking too much so let's see how many chapters I can write right now and I'll try to make them a bit long.

Lola was in front of her mother trying to convince her to buy her a new dress and some do to childish jealous of what they've been giving to Lincoln.

Lola: please mommy just one.

Lola begged her obviously tired mother.

Rita: Lola sweetie we've been over this we can't afford to get you or any of your sisters anything right now.

Lynn Sr arrived also looking exhausted as well.

Lynn Sr: well he finally agreed to take the money the thing is only after I made it 5000 dollars.

Rita: let's just make do with it for now.

Lynn Sr: let's go get dinner started.

Both parents then headed to the kitchen as Lola returned to the couch in defect meeting her twin playing with the baby.

Lola: it's not fair that Lincoln gets all that stuff and we don't get any.

Lana: you shouldn't really think like that Lincoln's going through a lot.

Lola: I know but me getting a new dress wouldn't hurt anybody.

Lana: but still.

Lola: maybe if I pretend to be sick I could get a new dress or more.

Lana: Lola.

Lola: don't worry about it, I won't go overboard I-

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of something breaking being followed by Leni Loud scearming.

The rest of the family rushed to Lincoln's room seeing Luna and Luan doing their best to hold Lincoln back while Leni hide behind Lori.

Lynn Sr: what happened?!

Luna: could we get some help!

Lincoln: when I get my hands on you!

Luan: speaking of hands can we get a couple.

Lynn Sr walked up to them.

Lynn Sr: alright on three let him go and I'll hold him down, 1-

Lincoln broke free tackling him to the ground before trying to go after Leni.

Lynn Sr: girl run!

Lynn Sr had managed to get a hold on Lincoln as they all rushed out of the room before Lincoln punched him in the face and stated strangling him while banging his head on the ground.

The girls all made it out with Luna and Luan blocking the door form behind.

Rita: what about your father?!

Luna: his the man of the house, he'll be fine.

Rita: but-

Luan: you heard her woman!

A smashing sound was heard from the other side making them hold on harder before the door opened with them seeing Lynn Sr with blood dripping down from his nose and mouth with several bruises on his neck.

Lynn Sr: it's pull from the other side.

Rita: my God are you okay.

Lynn Sr: I guess a few hits but I should be fine, his really strong.

Lisa: your nose is broken.

Lynn: what happened?

Lynn Sr: well you see I..... I knocked him out with a lamp.

They all turned to the room seeing Lincoln face down on the floor.


The whole loud family were in the living room except Lincoln.

Leni: I didn't do anything I promise, I just showed him the shirt I got him and he freaked out..... Or did he not like it.

Rita: where's the shirt?

Leni showed them the shirt which was a white T shirt with have a lucky day.

Luna: dude let's see the back of that shirt.

She turned it around seeing pick good or bad luck.

Lynn Sr: I guess cooking dinner is off the table, I'll order some pizza.


Lola knock on Lincoln room door before not getting an answer before taking a deep breath walking in.

She was the only one to volunteer to go give him his pizza Lola walked up to his bed with him laying there.

Lola: Lincoln.

Lincoln: what?

Lola: I brought you some pizza.

Lincoln: just leave it by the nightstand.

Lola: okay, feel better.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now