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Lincoln returned to the house walking to the room seeing Sandra still cuffed to the bed with her face down.

Lincoln: Sins, are you still alive?

Sandra: water.

Lincoln put a water bottle in her mouth giving her a little bit of water.

Lincoln: that should be enough to satisfy you.

Lincoln stated hammering a nail to the wall.

Sandra: what are you-

Lincoln injecting a drip in her.

Lincoln: this should keep you alive for awhile, I made it myself.

Sandra: ......

Lincoln: see you in about a week or more, this should keep you alive.


Lincoln was back with Sandra but her condition was terrible.

Lincoln: it's been 13 days and your still alive.

Sandra: ..... Lincoln it's.... it's not too late.

Lincoln: it never had to come to this, I like you Sandra I really do, you're a good person, but I have to go down this path they made for me.

Sandra phone began to ring.

Lincoln: Susie, is she the oldest?

Sandra: .......

Lincoln: doesn't matter, remember when I told you I loved your voice.

Lincoln cleared his throat before answering.

Lincoln: Hello.

Lincoln began to copying her voice.

Susie: hello, mom, when are you coming home, Tracey's birthday is coming up.

Lincoln: I remember, don't worry sweetie I'll be there, I've just been a bit busy.

Susie: okay, see you then mom.

Lincoln: see you then sweetie.

Lincoln hangs up before turning back to Sandra.

Lincoln: sweet kid, I'll make sure they don't mess you too much.

Sandra: don't hurt them.

Lincoln: I don't think-

Sandra: *pant* please, I'm willing to make an offer.

Lincoln: I'm listening.

Sandra: I'm willing to pay you up to 900,000 dollars not to hurt my girls.

Lincoln: that's a lot of money, but is it enough, I think they worth more.

Sandra: If it's not enough, help yourself to what evers in my bank account, do what ever you like to me just don't touch my girls.

Lincoln: I'm not one for money, but I see how desperate you are, so you have my word.


Lincoln was at an ATM withdrawing a huge amount of money into his backpack.

A lady in a short leather with a yellow and long black boots is seen heading home.

: Stupid cerfew, stupid cops, how's anyone to make any money.

Lincoln: hey cutie, want to make 200k.

: What?


A little girls birthday is taking place.

: Where is she?

Susie: she told me she'd make it, so relax Rachel, mom's going to be here.

Rachel: fine.

Susie: hey why don't you come open some presents while we wait for mom.

Tracey: okay.

They walked to the present table.

Susie: this one's form mom, why don't we open it first.

Rachel: I'm sorry I couldn't make it, I wish I could be here with you girls, kinda of odd don't you think.

The birthday girl screamed making Rachel turn froze as her eyes widened as her glasses fell to the ground at the sight of her mother's head in the box.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя