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Lincoln was in Lisa lab going through the small space before finding something on the table.

Lincoln: what's this?

He picked up the notebook next to it reading a bit.

Lincoln: dimensional travel uh?

He read through the books again before dropping it.

Lincoln: she as a long way to go before she'll be able to go anywhere with this notes, oh well time for a few upgrade and modifications on my stuff.


The Louds family were all in the living room with Lisa in front of them..

Lynn Sr: so part's from your lab as been going missing.

Lisa: correct.

Luna: dude non of us went in your lab.

Luan: can we even, don't you have like a security system or something.

Lisa: negative, I've been too busy with something to install one.

Rita: did anyone go in her lab.

They all denied seeing non of them had done it

Lynn Sr: so none of you did it?

Lincoln: what would be the point, it's not like any of us would know what to do with it.

Rita: Lincoln does have a point, no one is as smart as you so maybe you just lost them or something.

Lisa: far point but I'll keep my security up just in case.

Lynn: whatever, I got practice.

They all left to their various activities with Lincoln returned to his room.

Lincoln: she finally starting to catch up, no matter I still have plenty of money I can just get the parts on my own and the rest is the rest.

He smiled.

Lincoln: time to go test out my new upgrades.


Lincoln was in the park making a call while he walked.

Lincoln: hey, finally got a hold of you.

Jenny: sorry I was busy.

Lincoln: I wanted to apologise about the other day.

Jenny: it's okay.

Lincoln: I'm glad to hear, I also wanted to give you something just to really show how sorry I am.

Jenny: you don't have to, I accept your apology.

Lincoln: no for real I'm dieing to give it to you.

Jenny: I don't want it.

Lincoln: okay be like that then.


Jenny was in class talking to her friends before her phone went off.

Susie: Let me guess.

Jenny: Lincoln.

Alice: What does he want now?

Jenny: since I wasn't able to convince you on the phone I thought I'd do it in person.

Susie: Convince you on what?

Jenny: it's a long story.

Alice: So when does he get here.

Jenny: not sure.

The phone beeped again.

Jenny: already I'm, so turn and look.

They turned seeing Lincoln leaning on the window frame.

Lincoln: hey.

Jenny: when did you get here?

Lincoln: doesn't matter, here.

Lincoln handed her a small gift box.

Jenny: I told you it cool, I-

Lincoln: I'll stop you there, if you don't take the gift I'll come pick you up until you do.

Jenny: do your worst.

Lincoln: okay.

He walked towards the window claiming out walking away in the sky with students looking at him from the walking away on thin air.

: Hey, was that the Ghost Rider guy?

Alice: Yeah, his friend's with Jenny.

Susie: And unfortunately, he will be back.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now