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Lincoln was walking with his friends while they talked but Lincoln did say anything.

Clyde: hey Lincoln you okay you haven't said anything in three days.

Stella: yeah you haven't said anything in like three days.

Zach: yeah, is there a problem dude.

Stella: or is it because you couldn't hang out much with Sindy before she moved.

Lincoln: maybe.

Lincoln voice was calmer and a bit deeper.

Clyde: dude your voice.

Lincoln: what's wrong with my voice?

Clyde: it's deeper.

Stella: and a bit lower in a cool way.

Lincoln: I guess I hit puberty or something.

Clyde: that nice.

Stella: guys, we need to go.

Clyde: uh why.

Stella: one of those guys form the day is coming straight to us.

They tried to run but the guy grabbed Stella.

Guy: you brats are going to explain what-

Lincoln stabbed the while shhing him before laughing.

Stella: Lincoln!

Lincoln friends look on in terror while Lincoln smiled and laughed psychotically.

Lincoln's friends stepped back a bit in fear while people began to gather at the seen.

The police eventually arrived taking Lincoln away.


The Louds were home before the phone rang with Rita answering.

Rita: hello, yes, I'm her, what!?

At this point all the Louds attention had been gotten.

Rita: yes, okay, thank you, we're on our way.

Rita hanged up before turning to Lynn Sr.

Lynn Sr: what is it honey?

Rita: Lincoln was arrested for stabbing someone.

With those words the whole house was filled with a huge what.

Rita: they said the person died so it's a murder case.


Lincoln case was token to court quickly the Louds didn't get Lincoln a lawyer mostly because Lincoln told them he wanted the state to give him one.

After a couple cases and some sentiments form Lincoln friends and Lincoln lawyer bring the guys criminal record of the guy who had some child abuse cases along with his late friend.

It was time for the judge to give him decision.

Judge: I find Lincoln Loud not guilty for reason of metal illness and act of of self-defense, but I sentence Lincoln Loud to Royal Woods mental institution for juvenile.

This decision was fare but shocking Lincoln lawyer never pulled the Insanity card sure he noticed something odd about Lincoln something that the whole court did.

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