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Lincoln was with Rachel who was writing in a clipboard.

Rachel: how are you feeling today.

Lincoln: fine, how about you?

Rachel: I'm okay.

Lincoln: can I ask you something?

Rachel: I'm listening.

Lincoln: can you tell me about Jenny, form block B.

Rachel: she's not one of my patients, so I can really say anything, but why are you interested in her?

Lincoln: I think I got an eye for her.

Rachel: I'll see what I can do.


Staff were trying to drag Lincoln away who was banging on glass and screaming at the loud family and his friends who were on the other side.

Lincoln: tell them, I'm not crazy, tell them I'm not fucking crazy, Lynn tell them, I'm not fucking crazy, tell them Lynn, Lynn!!!

The staff eventually injected Lincoln putting him to sleep.


Lincoln was in his room sitting on his bed with his feet near his chest his head down.

He got up took a couple steps back before charging at the wall screaming at the top of his lungs ramming his head against the wall twice before the staff rushed in the room.

Lincoln was in a padded cell with Rachel and the Louds watching him.

Rachel: don't worry Mr and Mrs Loud, he won't be able to hurt himself in there.

Luna: uh, doc.

Lincoln had bitten into his arms with a lot of pressure dragging blood.


Later Lincoln was put in a strayjackt and cannibal masks after bitting three staff members.

Luan: hey doc.

Rachel: this is the best for him now.

Luan: oh okay.

Rachel: I think you could should avoid visiting for a while, to keep the family save, seeing how he gets into fits of rage, form time to time.

Lynn Sr: we understand.


Lincoln was in his room crying at night before the door opened with Rachel walking in.

Rachel: Lincoln, is there a problem?

Lincoln: you didn't show up today.

Rachel: I didn't have a major reason to.

Lincoln: did I do something wrong, I'm sorry.

Normally Rachel wouldn't care too much about it, she always made sure not to get too personal with her patients but for some reason she couldn't help but feel sorry for Lincoln.

Rachel decided to comfort the boy with a hug.

Rachel: it's okay, Lincoln.

Lincoln hugged her back with an unnoticed devilish smile.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now