Plan B

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Alright, so in hindsight, Plan A was terrible. At the time though, you'd all thought it was going to work amazingly well. And for around ten minutes, it had.

Plan A involved a very civilised walk through the front doors, with Rhodes leading the way, the rest of you remaining invisible and following behind as Rhodes used his security clearance to get through each door. Because of your new permeable powers whenever you were invisible, you had to use a grappling line from your belt which Thor and Bruce held onto as you made your way through the prison. The plan was for you all to get to the cells, and invisibly free each of the Avengers.

It wasn't until the third room that the troubles started, and to be honest, you were surprised it had taken that long. There were two security guards, and around four other workers sitting at computers. One of the security guards asked Rhodes what he was doing here, which was surprisingly the first person to ask that question. While blubbering through the answer, Bruce sneezed, out of nowhere, and Rhodes then blubbered through covering up the noise.

You could all see the guards getting suspicious, tightening their holds on their weapons, tensing their shoulders. The one that wasn't talking even reached up for his walkie talkie, clearly about to warn others of the shitshow you were making.

Then he got clobbered in the head with a hammer.

Before his friend could even react, the hammer hit him over the head as well.

"What the hell?!" Rhodes whipped around, and you weren't sure if it was directed at you, or he was trying to keep up the act.

When you turned, you saw the computer guys starting to stand up. You didn't have a chance to think of your next step before a green blur whizzed past you, grabbing the men and throwing them against the wall until they all fell to the floor unconscious.

"BRUCE!" You yelled, your invisibility shield coming down, and making the green giant look at you and shrug.

"What's happening in there?!" Came a shout from the second room you had just walked through.

"Go!" Rhodes shouted at you, pointing to the fourth door and simultaneously throwing you his keycard. "Plan B!"

"There was no Plan B!" You yelled back, but Thor just grabbed you round the waist, held his hammer up, and you both started flying towards the doors.

You screamed, squeezing your eyes shut as you braced for the impact, but Bruce smashed through it a second before you did, clearing the way. You and Thor kept barrelling through another three doors, Bruce a second in front or a second behind you the entire way. The noises around you were too chaotic for you to work out what was going on, from the wind whooshing in your ears and the crashing of the doors being broken, to whatever havoc Bruce was making to stop you from being followed.

All of a sudden Thor stopped, and you blinked a few times to rebalance the fluid in your brain that was swishing all over the place. His arm was still around your waist so that you were slightly lifted off the floor, which you were actually super grateful for, because you weren't sure if you could stand right now.

"Miss Luka are you still conscious?" He asked, his tone sounding a little worried as he moved his hammer to the hand wrapped around your waist, so that he could put a free hand on the side of your face and slap you lightly.

"Yeah, yeah, totally with it." You replied, but it sounded slurred to you. "Did we win?"

"I don't know if I'd count this as winning." Came a voice from your side.

You and Thor whipped your heads to the side to see Tony on the other side of a glass door, his arms folded and an eyebrow raised.

"Stark!" Thor beamed, still holding you in his arm as he walked the two of you over to the cell. "How have you been?"

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