Fucking Genius

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Trying not to panic, you went to pick the screwdriver up again.

Nope, your hand still floated straight through.

"Okay this isn't funny." You commented aloud. Then you realised that you still had your shield up, so you shivered, and tried again.

This time you managed to pick the screwdriver up.

"Huh." You said. You put the screwdriver back down. Then shivered invisible. Then tried to pick it up.

Nope. Floating through.

Shivered visible. Picked it up.

You must have looked like a madwoman. Turning invisible and visible every few seconds, picking up and putting down the same screwdriver for a full minute. Until you stepped away from it. And looked at your hands.

Wait, permeable. The sketch said permeable. You remembered a conversation you had with Tony when you first got here.

"It's a basic suit for now, given our accelerated timeline, but I'm hoping that one day I can programme it to make you permeable."

"Like...to go through things?"


"Why do I need to go through anything?"

"You're telling me that you've been invisible all this time and never once thought how much easier it would be if you could disappear through doors?"

Had he actually designed a suit that could make you go through stuff?! You ran to the nearest wall, and took a deep breath before shivering invisible. Then you held your hand to the wall, and slowly put it forward.

Your mouth fell open as your hand started going through the wall.

"Holy fuck nuggets." You whispered. Then you started laughing as you pulled your hand back out. "That fucking genius."

You spent another few minutes testing out all the other things you could make yourself pass through. The table was fun. The wall was a bit scary, after you'd built up the courage to fully walk through it. You had no idea how Tony had managed to do it, but you were very much enjoying it.

After a few minutes, you wondered whether you could turn the permeable thing off. It was super helpful (and AMAZING!), but you wouldn't need it all the time. In fact, sometimes it could be an annoyance. You looked over your hands, the arms of the suit, round your waist, but there were no buttons or panels that could be pressed to switch it on or off. You went back to the sketch, but that didn't tell you anything either.

Oh well, you thought, once you got him back, maybe you could ask about it.

Speaking of, you turned back to the computer.

"FRIDAY, how are you getting on with the hacking?" You asked.

"I predict another 45 minutes. The blood sample will take a while longer."

"Ughhh, okay. Thanks." You added, after hearing how ungrateful you sounded. You headed back to the Manor hologram, noticing how everything still looked the same, and sighed out of boredom. "Oh!" You suddenly thought. "Does Tony keep extra notes on the computer about us? Our suits?"

"Yes, Miss Starr. Under the secure employee files."

"Of course." You chuckled. "Can I look through those while you're doing your thing?"


Then, the holographic image of the Manor disappeared, and projected in front of you was the same image as the computer screen would be. Menus and files, which you started tapping through until you found the secure files. You waved your hand around slowly in the middle, hoping there was some kind of handprint scanner, until the table beeped and you saw the outline of a hand on the table itself.

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