s3 - easy like Sunday morning

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Spencer, who had managed to find a comfortable rock to sit on, chimed in, "Yeah, it's like everything is okay for a little while."

Tate, fully invested in the fishing expedition, piped up, "I like these days."

John ruffled Tate's hair affectionately. "Me too, buddy. Me too."

The river flowed peacefully, a canvas reflecting the golden hues of the morning sun. Spencer walking through the water to stand next to John, took in the scene with a contented sigh. "Can we at least have more days like this, Grandpa?"

John smiled down at her. "We'll have as many as we can, sweetheart. Now, let's see if we can catch some breakfast."

The trio settled into a tranquil routine, casting their lines into the river, the rhythmic sounds of nature providing a soothing backdrop to their morning. In those moments, the challenges of the ranch, the struggles, and the uncertainties felt like distant echoes, drowned out by the laughter of children and the wisdom of a grandfather who understood the magic of simplicity.

The morning sun cast a warm glow through the windows of Rip's cabin. Beth emerged from the bedroom, her hair falling loosely around her shoulders. The scent of breakfast wafting through the air as Rip, already up and about, worked his culinary magic in the kitchen.

"You ever had fried bread?" Rip inquired, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"You ever had fried bread?" Rip inquired, a slight smile playing on his lips

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"Mmm-mmm." Beth shook her head no.

"My mother used to make it for me when I was young," Rip reminisced a hint of nostalgia in his voice. Rip, pouring a cup of coffee, offered it to her. "It's Penny's favorite."

"Thanks," Beth replied, taking a sip as she observed Rip's domestic prowess. The cabin seemed to emanate warmth and comfort.

"You hungry?" Rip asked, his eyes fixed on her.

"Mmm," Beth affirmed.

Rip, carrying a plate laden with food, gestured toward the table. "Come sit."

Beth complied, settling into a chair, and they shared a quiet meal. It was a rare moment of serenity for the couple, away from the chaos that often defined their lives. As Beth indulged in the hearty fare, Rip watched her with a tender gaze.

"You're not eating?" Beth inquired, noticing his empty plate.

Rip chuckled, his love for her evident in his eyes. "Beth, I ate hours ago. I think I'll just watch you."

Playfully attempting to hide her face behind her hand, Beth was met with gentle resistance as Rip lovingly pulled it away. His fingers traced a path across her cheek, and a contented smile played on Beth's lips.

 His fingers traced a path across her cheek, and a contented smile played on Beth's lips

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