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In depths untamed, a tale unfolds,
Of a girl with a heart so bold,
Her father, a merman of wrath and might,
Against her, he harbored a venomous spite.

Her voice, a siren's melodic plea,
Echoed through the ocean's endless sea,
She yearned to bridge the chasm wide,
To mend the rift, reconciliation's tide.

With shimmering scales and flowing fin,
She dived deep, her human self to rescind,
Becoming one with the watery realm,
A mermaid now, her purpose to helm.

Her father's kingdom, a world unknown,
She ventured forth, her spirit grown,
Navigating currents, dark and deep,
Through murky depths, secrets to keep.

Her tail, a tapestry of vibrant hues,
A symbol of strength, her will to choose,
To negotiate with her merman kin,
And break the cycle of hatred within.

With silver tears, she swam alone,
To meet her father upon his throne,
In the coral palace, where darkness loomed,
Her voice, a beacon, breaking through the gloom.

Her father, a figure of regal might,
Feared her transformation, her radiant light,
But she, undeterred, held steadfast grace,
For love's redemption, she sought to embrace.

The ocean sighed, as tension grew,
A tempest brewing, the skies askew,
But she, unyielding, stood her ground,
The bridge of empathy, her heart had found.

Words flowed like rivers, untamed and free,
Her plea for understanding, a gentle decree,
For in her eyes, her father could see,
The reflection of a shared ancestry.

In the depths of his heart, a flicker stirred,
A whisper of love, his anger deterred,
The girl's tenacity, her courage unbound,
Revealed a truth, profound and profound.

With each word spoken, a wall did fall,
And love's embrace encompassed all,
The merman's heart, once cold and hard,
Melted away, like sand in a shard.

In this watery world, a miracle birthed,
A girl and her father, their love unearthed,
For in the depths, forgiveness did bloom,
A mermaid's plea, a merman consumed.

And so, the girl became a mermaid no more,
Yet the lessons learned, the depths she'll explore,
For in her veins, the ocean's essence remains,
A testament to the power love sustains.

The Missing Prophecy (COMPLETED) (Undergoing Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant