Chapter 28

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          I go inside and find Coraline on my massive bed. My room has been tidied by Freda I assume. I flop down beside her, holding her hand in mine. "Wow uhm, I don't know how to start..." I say, my voice cracking up as tears threaten to fall out. All my life I had lived with my mother, and I know I have said it before, but she is the person I look up to. She was there for me when dad didn't want me, she was there for me when we lost our house, when I would come back home drunk, she was there for me and never questioned me or compared me to the other kids at school. She was there for me when I would get beaten up by Adrik and most of all, she loved me. I'm not sure if she feels the same about me anymore. I have betrayed many of the folks' trust before, I cannot afford to lose her as well. I'll be lost in the darkness without her.
          "Mom," I say, finally finding the courage to look at her shut eyes, although I can't quite clearly see her bruised face due to the tears blocking my sight. "I- I know I've been a kick to your gut lately. I never listened to you or obeyed you, I always thought you were hiding things from me, and I always thought of myself as the victim to your cruel play," I squeeze her hand, not breaking our eye contact. "Mom it's been 7 years since I ran away, leaving that note behind on my desk. 7 years since I gave an oath to the High King and Queen that I would obey their commands and do as they say, 7 years since I was hurt and bruised when I came back home, in tears, thinking of you. 7 years since I learnt that obeying and bowing down to those jerks would mean hindering my pride. Mom it's been 7 years since I have grown into a more powerful and dangerous person, I can finally take them down...
          "I want you to be proud of me, to tell me that I can finally show my potential. Mom you not being here with me shaped me into the person I am today, but that would mean nothing if you left me once and for all. Come back, talk to dad about it. Live with me, give me company, help me train. Mom, open your eyes."

          I stare at her purple-blue face that was once lively and cheery. Her hands are dirty with mud, and I find dried blood trailing down her nose. I wipe the tears off my face as soon as I hear the knob turn. A tall imp enters the chambers with a pot of hot water and a towel on her bony shoulder. Her long fingers cup the bowl perfectly, as if the length of her fingers was made for this exact job. Her skin is dusky and gray, her eyes are pitch black with no sclera. Her hair is the color of pearly white snow on a winter night and on top of her head, two horns can be seen, that of a mountain goat. I let her take my place as she starts to wipe off the muck and the blood off her face and her arms. 
          "How long until she wakes up?" I ask her, steadying my voice which surprisingly works. "Gave her the right medication. She'll probably be up after sunrise, child." The imp replies in a hushed voice, keeping a bright smile on her face. God, she looks lifeless as well, probably because she has been compelled to obey the royal family. I walk over to the bed and kiss my mother on her forehead. "Love you mom." I whisper as I step out of the chambers, slowly closing the door behind me. I can still feel a dull ache in my side, but I try not to pay much attention to it as I make my way through the large hallway, my footsteps echoing through the silence. I had told the Crown Prince, Matthew not long ago that I do not need his guards and spies to be following me around for a purpose. I had dropped a letter in the premises of Cordelia before the war began between Prince Vaughn and Prince Matthew, asking the King of Sea to meet me the very next day. I am nervous and I want to scream at the top of my lungs. This is not how it was supposed to go, I was not supposed to lose Olivia and Wyatt, that just adds more to what I was originally going to ask Hector. 
          Upon reaching the shore to the Sea, I take off one of my most prized rings. It is made from gold with a glimmering blue stone. I throw the ring in the sea, waiting for an approval of some sort. I realize that I'm definitely new to this when two, muscular mermen approach me with long, sharp staffs in their hands. 

          "King Hector of the Sea of Cordelia expects his daughter. Me, in his presence." I say, looking at them in their eyes trying not to seem uncomfortable and astonished at the same time. It has been 7 years and now I am finally going to step inside the cool water and allow it to close in on me. I am finally going to go and see my father who once wanted to kill me. The grudge is still present in my mind, and I will not give in to his kindness, that is if he shows any, as he was the reason mom went through so much. The mermen simply nod and one of them places his wet but warm palm on my forehead. "Fearsome beauty of Cordelia, allow she, daughter of clay, to swim to your depths. To find what she has come for, to leave not empty handed if she chooses to stay steadfast." He says, not removing his palm from my forehead. At first, water from the ocean starts to crawl gently to the shore where I am situated and then as though time has taken me back to when I first arrived here with Livie and Wyatt, in all its majestic glory, a large pool of water starts to rise up over me and circle around me. It feels as though I am surrounded in a strong and dangerous tornado but instead of wind carrying me with itself, it is the water that belongs to the sea of Cordelia.
          I shut my eyes tightly as the water makes contact with my skin, raining down on me. I open my eyes to find myself with a tail, a mermaid tail. It's cold, icy scales go up my thighs in perfect symmetry, the color of the tail at the bottom is bottle green, coming up to a lighter emerald green and then it mixes into the red of my hair.
          "If we have the information that you have disrespected our Lord, we will banish you from the seas and the land." One of the mermen say and I nod in return. This is my only shot at convincing Hector into becoming my ally. I cannot mess this up, for the sake of his Cora, for the sake of my Livie and Wyatt. I drink in my terror and nervousness as I dive into the water. I never was a swimmer and I have no idea how I will keep my breath in for however long it may take, let alone figure out how to speak without filling my lungs up with salty water.

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