Chapter 14

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As we sneak outside through the kitchen in our disguise, I think about the dream I had and what father had told Coraline when he was dying.
Someone who loves you wouldn't do this.
What could it possibly mean? I felt shivers run down my spine as we exited the castle. I was lost in thought when we were stopped by one of the guards. He looked at Livie suspiciously, then at me and the guys. "I'm going to ask you to remove your masks." He simply said. His hand clutching the long sword at his side. My heart was throbbing in my ears, loud and irregular, but I barely heard it, for my mind was clouded with fear. I spot Matt making his way to the front, his familiar scent clogging my mind as he stops beside me. He raises his pale, thin hand and removes his mask, revealing his square and handsome face. The guard immediately bows low at the sight of the prince. He rises and eyes us with more suspicion, looking back at Matt. "These are my people, and they are my responsibility. You may go back to the front gate and guard it." Matt spoke calmly, as if we were not totally about to get caught. The guard nods and backs off, his eyes still on us as he disappears. As we start making our way into the woods once again, I hear Wyatt whimper. "W-where are we going?" He asks, hugging himself tightly as he looks at us with puppy eyes. "We're getting out of here genius, what else?" Liv whispers back, startling him. I look back at Matt and his large figure as he leads us on, deeper into the woods. "So, what really is your plan?" I ask him quietly so that Livie and Wyatt cannot hear us. They are too engrossed in talking about candy flosses to pay attention to us. He looks to the side where I am walking along with him, the corner of his mouth lifting up. "Your eyes shine whenever you look at me. Am I that attractive?" He murmured. I felt the anger rise up once again as I looked away, bringing my arms to my chest as I walked. I felt like I was blushing, and I wanted it to stop. I hate him, don't fall into his trap. I told myself. "Stop playing around with me. What. Is. Your. Plan." I look back at him, my voice turning out to be surprisingly cold and definite. He looks away into the distance. "Oh look, we have arrived." He says, enthusiastically. I roll my eyes as he had just ignored me and look over the horizon to where his gaze has been settled upon.

It is a colossal castle with guards and elves guarding every corner of the gritty walls. I remove my mask and gape at the sight in front of me. "Woah! Are we going to be staying here? Can I go back to Cali and grab my PlayStation really quick?" I hear Wyatt squeal with excitement. I see Livie nudge him in the arm. "Ow!" I hear Wyatt gasp. "Is he always like this?" Matt asks me, looking at me with pure confusion. I nod once and start making my way to the castle doors, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of becoming friends with him. I stop to look at Livie as she asks Matt a question that I hadn't yet considered. "Is this where you live?"
"Yes, I live here. Please, don't let me keep you outside much longer. It seems that a storm is going to make its way here soon enough." He says, looking at me with his dark eyes that i find to be attractive once again. Look away, he is not meant for you, you idiot!

The castle is small as compared to the Grand Castle. As we step inside, I can't help but smile at the statues of the King and Queen, along with a few more statues that are built in the form of pillars across the eerie hall. We all scatter around, exploring the beauty of the castle only to hear a familiar voice speak from behind. "Welcome Sybil," It's Queen Veronica sitting on one of the thrones next to King Victor Sylvester. I curtsey at the sight of the royal family, feeling excited to see them alive. "Wyatt and Liv, welcome to you as well. Good job dear son." This means Matt came to save us for the sake of his parents, not because he felt sorry for me or anything. Not that I would care anyway, the man can go and kill himself and I wouldn't care. "Your majesty. I am sorry to barge in like thi-"
"No worries, Princess Sybil, I asked Matthew to bring you here. It is not safe for you in the Grand Castle." Wait what. Princess Sybil? I look over to Wyatt and Livie to see if they have any idea about this, but they seem just as clueless as I am. Before I could ask, I hear Matt talk to his father. "What do you mean Princess? You never mentioned that part to me,"
"Ah, yes. You are right son. It was not believable when we found out also. However, it seems that destiny has planned this for Princess Sybil. She may live in the royal castle after the threat is all gone," King Victor continued. "Yes, the Grand Castle, not the chambers that were located in the basement. She may live for however long she wants to, near our chambers." He finalized. The Queen seems to notice how confused I am, so she volunteered to show us to our chambers. Livie insisted that we could find it with the help of one of the elves, but she wanted to take us there herself, so we pursued. The interior of the small but large castle was amazingly ancient, with the same statue pillars across the hallway. A large red carpet was laid out on the floors of the hall. The stairs were spiraling up with a magnificent chandelier at the top of the roof, spiraling down. 

Wyatt stays behind with Matt as he shows him where he will be staying the night at. I hope he fries his mind up, he deserves it. I can't help but think if this is a trap. What do you mean Princess? You never mentioned that part to me. So, this is a trap. Rage flows through me like lava as we walk inside a large, magnificent room with a queen size bed, large and thick curtains flowing over the bed, giving it a royal look. "W- we can't possibly stay in a chamber like this, please. We are perfectly fine sleeping elsewhere." Livie says, stammering. I nod, looking at her and then back at the Queen to show that I am in her favor however, she does not listen, wavering her hand to make her point. "No, no girls. You don't understand. You are our responsibility. Please, go ahead. Get yourselves settled." She finishes, leaving me confused once again. Before I could ask her anything I hear a blood curdling scream coming from the first floor. "What was that..." Livie says, eyeing the door. My breathing is heavy once again but I ignore it as we all rush downstairs to check up on everyone. 

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