Chapter 22

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"The folk has ordered justice, and I shall be the one to give it to them. We will chain you and go to the funeral. There your fate will be decided." Matthew is now in front of me, speaking with his arms crossed. "You are going to hold me accountable for the High King and Queen's death? Don't you see? He framed me! He wanted the land to fight between each other to make us internally weak!" I shout at him, but he ignores me as he sits on his horse while the elves take me away.

The rest of the ride on our horses was silent except for the sound of multiple hooves splashing the wet ground. The strap on Ace's muzzle was attached to Matt's horse and I was now in chains. Last night Vaughn had decided to skip the funeral of his parents which was highly expected by me. It was now lightly raining, and I clutched my cloak tightly to keep me from freezing to death. We were headed to the nearest cemetery to bury the couple. The land was in ruins when we mounted our horses. Folk was scattered all over the place, the plants were dying, and the greenery of land was decaying. Everyone was blaming me for the damage, and I have no idea how to change their minds. The night creeped on as we neared the open land and the pace of our horses slowed down. The land was vast with a large sea to its left, the land was surrounded by mountains. Good for hiding. I think. "I will not let anything happen to you, know that, Sybil." I hear Livie say and I look to my right and find her there, mounted on Dahlia. I simply nod at her as tears threaten to fall. I will not let anyone see me vulnerable, I had promised myself that. I cannot break that promise. I wipe them away when I am certain her attention is not on me, and we all dismount our horses. The night the Queen had died in her chambers with King Victor's dead body, a banshee had appeared outside the Grand Castle. She creeped the hell out of me, and I almost pushed her into the lake however I was stopped by Ceren. She was dressed in a dull grey cloak, her eyes were bloodshot red due to constant weeping. An old hag like her should not have been out there late at night, right? As I tried to catch up to her in an attempt to comfort her, she ran away while crying and screaming at the top of her lungs. I then realized that banshees do appear at the death of a very sacred person, either before or after their death to show their misery and sorrow. 

After watching the bodies burn into dark ashes and burying them in the ground, Wyatt had walked up to me when I was having a moment of my own at the edge of the sea, contemplating about whether my father would still remember me and my mother if we had ever decided to return. The elves still kept out an eye for me and watched my every move, but I paid no heed. "Uhm, Sybil... T-they're waiting for you," he says, stuttering. I nod, staring at the sea. My thoughts are now foggy, and I can no longer think straight. I try to push back the empty tears as I slowly make my way to the main center when the folk are situated. Livie and Wyatt are by my side as I cross the ground towards Matthew. His face makes me want to kick him down and punch him in the face until I am satisfied.

Though I am chained, I break free of my friends' grasp as I stride the lawn towards Matt, kicking him in his legs as he gives in to the ground. His eyes are now wide with anger, frustration and sorrow. I know that his parents are dead but that does not mean that I was the one to do so. "You bastard! Your brother killed them and now Alastair is in ruins! You could have stopped him but no, vengeance was too important to you!" I shout at him as I send multiple right hooks to his face. I am pulled back by a few people, but I don't let go of his collar. I give him another uppercut, but I am pulled back into reality by the deep, warm voice of his. It sends shivers down my spine; his voice is like a lullaby.

"Sybil?" He asks and I snap back into reality. His towering figure is right in front of me as my breath catches. I am still in chains, and I have no blood on my hands from his 'broken nose.' I guess day dreaming is now my thing. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks softly in a hushed tone so only I can hear. My throat is itchy, and I feel dehydrated, I feel horrible. I feel devastated and angry for being punished for something I have not done. I feel like a part of me is missing, I miss my mother and I want to meet my father, but it seems that all the piled-up emotions refuse to strike out all at once. "Let's just get over with this." I say, rolling my eyes as I move to the center of the crowd. "Your presence is well appreciated. I have come to seek and to show justice to the amateurs who still think I shall be held accountable of King Victor and Queen Veronica's murder. We all know now that Queen Veronica was poisoned with hellebores, a poison that has no cure which is now also known as the 'Black Death.' The crown can only be worn by the heir of the royal couple and as of now, we have two hearty brothers who share the same blood." I continue my speech in an attempt to make them change their minds and I also know that Matthew does not like what I am doing, neither does his personal guards and not even my two best friends, but I continue anyway as I have the right to speak before they decapitate me. "We now conclude that the one responsible is Matthew's bloodthirsty brother, Vaughn Sylvester." I finalize, hoping and praying to God that they consider this. Matt now steps up with his fist in the air to silence the crowd.

"All those in favor of exiling Vaughn Sylvester, son of the late King Victor, may raise their hands." He orders and to my surprise, less than half of the folk raised their hands. This was not going to end well. "Very well... All those in favor of exiling Sybil Cruz, daughter of King Hector Cruz, may raise their hands." Like I suspected, more than half of the folk were now raising their hands. I am certain Vaughn may have bought their votes by paying them a heavy amount of gold. Just when Livie and Wyatt step up to form a small ring around me to protect me, I hear a voice call out. "Here, here! I second the motion!"

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